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Teeth in a sentence

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Sentence count:249+62Posted:2017-06-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: in the teeth ofteeterseethesee thatteetotallerteetotalerseethingbeethovenMeaning: [tuːθ]  n. the kind and number and arrangement of teeth (collectively) in a person or animal. 
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121 He escaped defeat by the skin of his teeth.
122 The dentist used amalgam to fill my teeth.
123 It's bad form to pick one's teeth in public.
124 He is cutting his permanent teeth.
125 She has a small gap between her front teeth.
126 He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.
127 She clenched her teeth and refused to move.
128 The witness was clearly lying through his teeth.
129 He had nice square white teeth.
130 One of his front teeth is missing.
131 The man smiled,( revealing perfect white teeth.
132 Don't forget to brush your teeth.
133 The dog fastened its teeth in his leg.
134 The cat left teeth marks in my arm.
135 Their voices set your teeth on edge.
136 'No, that's alright,' she said through gritted teeth.
137 Helen's teeth protrude too far.
138 Ahmed picked the melon pips from his teeth.
139 You're very lucky to have perfect teeth.
140 I need to have two teeth filled .
141 Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily.
142 His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle.
143 Two of her front teeth were missing.
144 A dentist often has to fill teeth.
145 She's having her wisdom teeth out.
146 He ground his teeth in frustration.
147 He had a cigar clamped between his teeth.
148 He had a large cigar clamped between his teeth.
149 Critics fear the bill will have its teeth drawn before it becomes law.
150 The dentist took out two of my teeth and asked me to come back again to have further treatment.
More similar words: in the teeth ofteeterseethesee thatteetotallerteetotalerseethingbeethovensee throughfreethinkingbe glad to see the back ofteebeetsheetfeetsee toleetmeetteenteemtweetgreetsweetfleetteenssteelsteersteepmeeterstreet
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