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System performance in a sentence

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Sentence count:117Posted:2023-09-21Updated:2023-09-21
Similar words: performance management systemconsistent performanceperformancenonperformancenon-performanceperformance dataperformance riskpart performance
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1. But human variability can also result in system performance that is disorganized, with negative or even disastrous effects.
2. Periodic and retrospective reconsideration of system performance ranging over standard outputs, purpose-specific reanalysis of past performance, and new evidence.
3. Compatibility - mode paging reduces overall system performance.
4. System performance is analyzed in uncoded system.
5. Both seek to improve system performance, through paradoxical using directly opposite approaches.
6. Given the dependance of infrared imaging system performance on target thermal contrast or temperature difference (T) between target and background, the accuracy of Tb of critical im- portance.
7. The Servo system performance depends on whether the digital machine operating performance is good or bad.
8. Your file system Performance can be improved. It is recommended that you defragment now . Defragment now.
9. System performance information tools that display paging space utilization, pages in/out, and other system statistics.
10. The fundamental concept[], system structure and system performance of expert system soft-ware development for stack-up hydraulic system of combination machine tool are introduced by this article.
11. In order to emulate and evaluate the system performance, the signal-to-noise (SNR) and probability of detection (Pd) vs. the gain and threshold voltage of APD arrays were discussed in this paper.
12. You should bear in mind that WinTach only measures Windows graphics performance and not overall system performance.
13. These features which have been originally built into online systems to improve system performance are of considerable instructional value to searchers.
14. The computer simulation shows that FRESH filter can improve the system performance considerably compared with conventional transversal filter.
15. The simulations of the algorithm under wireless channel condition using MONTE CARLO method were presented and show the effective improvement of the system performance.
16. If you try to use the same development machine for debugging this core dump, it might affect system performance.
16. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. Furthermore, distributed GLD codes with imperfect relay nodes are investigated and the effects on the system performance and the overall code rate resulting from unreliable relays are also analyzed.
18. This utility offers a one - stop - shop for cleaning and maintaining your computer for better overall system performance.
19. Decompress all compressed NTFS files on a drive in single operation. Optimize system performance.
20. The extended operation condition (EOC) and system cost are two key factors in automatic target recognition (ATR) system performance evaluation.
21. Auditors need to take a macro view of this by considering the system performance as a whole when determining the actual trend based on audit evidence.
22. Passive intermodulation (PIM) products due to metallic contact nonlinearity at microwave frequencies can have severe effects on system performance.
23. In cluster system, the design of scheduler module is very critical for system performance.
24. Installed in tandem with smaller size regulator to improve system performance and extend valve life.
25. In multi-FPGA designs, the delay of clock transfer causes a huge clock skew between FPGAs and therefore undermines the system performance.
26. This paper proposes an improved adaptive interleaving scheme that not only achieves a better system performance, especially the frame error rate (FER), but also reduces the algorithm complexity.
27. In this paper, with the relationship between received signal space and scene space, the effect of the antenna pattern on the system performance is discussed using the imaging model.
28. To tackle the problem, the current loop and speed loop state observer were introduced to improve the system performance.
29. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console provides automated problem diagnosis and resolution to improve system performance and to reduce support costs.
30. In modern communication, Error-Correcting Codes are often used to improve the system performance, among which the convolutional code is adopted widely because of its excellent capability.
More similar words: performance management systemconsistent performanceperformancenonperformancenon-performanceperformance dataperformance riskpart performanceperformance bondhigh-performancecost performancePerformance Managementmanagement performanceperformance curveperformance indexbudget performanceoverall performanceperformance ratingperformance reportperformance factorperformance reviewactual performanceperformance monitorperformance standardmusical performanceperformance controloperating performancespecific performancedramatic performanceperformance analysis
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