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Surinam in a sentence

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Sentence count:17Posted:2024-10-06Updated:2024-10-06
Similar words: surinamein a measureassuringfissuringmeasuringurinalreassuringurinateMeaning: n. a republic in northeastern South America on the Atlantic; achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1975. 
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(1) Surinam is culturally and ethnically diverse.
(2) Page 72 Netherlands West Indies, Guyana or Surinam and Curacao.
(3) Third world countries including Jamaica, Surinam, and Guyana supply almost 90% of developed nation imports of bauxite.
(4) Upon the ship's arrival at Surinam , Oroonoko is sold to the mild-mannered and witty overseer of Parham Plantation who befiends him, Mr. Trefry.
(5) Surinam horned frogs are also known as Pac-Man frogs due to their wide mouths.
(6) Two countries, Guatemala and Surinam , were declared mine free.
(7) New York(Sentence dictionary), New York--A Surinam horned frog sits on a pumpkin at the Wildlife Conservation Society's Bronx Zoo in this undated photo.
(8) This month, a parrot imported from Surinam died from bird flu while in UK quarantine but vets there say it probably got the infection from Taiwanese birds in the same facility.
(9) The 19-year-old forward, who has Surinam origins, is rated highly by former Milan star Marco Van Basten (pictured), who included him in the Netherlands' squad for the World Cup in Germany.
(10) As a medical student in the early 1950s, Blumberg had conducted research in Surinam on elephantiasis, a parasitic disease common in the tropics.
(11) The ash and silica content of 21 species of commercial woods of Surinam have been quantitatively determined.
(12) Two United States Marines are accused of raping a young local woman in Surinam.
(13) At this point, Oroonoko meets the narrator. She and Trefry assure the prince that as soon as the lord-governor Willoughby arrives in Surinam he will be set free.
(14) Rep. of Congo, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Nigeria, North Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Surinam, Syria, Vietnam, Palestine.
(15) It's enormous. Sixty percent of it is in Brazil, but the rainforest also extends into Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, French Guiana and Surinam.
(16) She's been at Madagascar, and a Malabar , and Surinam, and Providence, and Portobello.
(17) He first became interested in studying infectious disease when he volunteered in Surinam during his medical training.
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