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Simulation model in a sentence

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Sentence count:134Posted:2024-01-17Updated:2024-01-17
Similar words: emulation modemodulation modesimulation methodsimulation environmentsimulationvaluation modelsevaluation modeldegradation model
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1. Stage one of the use of a hydrological simulation model involves the provision of initial information about the drainage-basin.
2. Describe the types of simulation model generally used by geographers.
3. Another use of the simulation model might be to assess the effect of increasing the urban area lying within a river basin.
4. Can Simulation Model Training for Obstetrical Emergencies Improve Outcome?
5. Simulation model build up and maintain. Test vector generation.
6. Simulation model build up and maintenance. Test vector generation.
6. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
7. We proposed an inter-domain routing simulation model based on cellular automaton model to study the collective routing behavior of the inter-domain routing system.
8. The simulation model shows that, at high or medium mortality level, the probability of extinction for Chinese River Dolphin is 1. 0 or around 0. 5 within the next 100 years.
9. The 3 D simulation model of box deep drawing was presented and validated with the homologous experiment.
10. The developmental stage simulation model of reed is made with growing degree day method, the corresponding growing degree day parameters of each developmental stage have also been determined.
11. This paper gives a simulation model of motorization march, and introduces the design, main system functions and implementation of the motorization march computer simulation system.
12. The simulation model can gratify the need of analyzing the performances of the MTD radar.
13. The analysis methods of data validity in simulation model validation are presented.
14. The calculating simulation model was used to simulate the assembling process of the passenger and to find the maximum assembling passenger of railway passenger station and the time it appears.
15. A computer animated simulation model is developed to analyze a new presented ship handling system with floating bridge crane on ramped container terminal.
16. The simulation model of fluid viscous speed regulator with differential gear train is established and the optimized parameters of PID adjuster are ascertained as simulating in this paper.
17. The quasi-linear simulation model of the switched reluctance motor is established by MATLAB-SIMULINK.
18. The conclusions reached by the planner would not necessarily be valid simply because a computer simulation model had been used.
19. It involves the testing of the performance of the simulation model using known events.
20. The model is shown graphically in Figure 6.4 Figure 6.4 Level-crossing simulation model in graphic form.
21. As a solution COSTAS is used in the improved simulation model to complete the synthesis of the frequency of the carrier and in the end the correct demodulation and dispread spectrum results are made.
22. The characteristics of pedestrian traffic were analyzed. A microscopic pedestrian simulation model was proposed based on dynamic game.
23. In this paper(, the methods estimating the characteristic root errors are described for the er-ror analysis of digital simulation model in frequency domain.
24. To the design of local simulation application, the process simulation model is emphatically introduced, and based on which the local simulation flow is given.
25. The vehicle emission dispersion models can be classified into Gaussian model, empirical model, numerical simulation model and box model.
26. Then the typical existing adaptive resource allocation algorithms are investigated in details. A system-level simulation model is built up for OFDMA-MIMO multi-hop relay systems.
27. The main idea of the paper is to build MATLAB dynamic simulation model of all kinds of lower pair mechanism by cell of basic bar groups.
28. Simulation of power electronic motor drive system by modified nodal method is realized , and a simulation model of induction motor is presented on the basis of the Park equation.
29. In view of the fact that this article analyzed the fuel cell interior heat management with emphasis, to union the fuel cell physical structure establishes its simulation model.
30. Objective:To work out standardized cultivating measures for Curcuma longa according to the analysis of fresh rhizome simulation model.
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