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Schoolteaching in a sentence

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Sentence count:7Posted:2024-07-07Updated:2024-07-07
Similar words: schoolteacherschool teacherteach schoolschool termteaching toolteaching machineteam teachingteaching
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(1) Make schoolteaching, preparation and classroom note well.
(2) Scientific and rational evaluation for schoolteaching was propitious to schoolteaching level for teachers.
(3) Schoolteaching and administrative staff 260, lecturer, senior lecturer 61, " The theory, practices "Double Shi Xing teacher 48.
(4) In order to cut down working load of manager , the system includes the basic information, schoolteaching information, check on work attendance and appraisement information of teacher.
(5) Gates says: "Henceforth inside 5 years, we can find quality first-rate schoolteaching content on Internet, these content are stronger than any onefold universities."
(6) Subsequently, this schoolgirl enters class room afresh from back door, and schoolteaching teacher also says to this schoolgirl, "Look the problem is very serious you still answer a phone to him."
(7) However in this module abstruse the intellectual dot with abstraction is more, it is more difficult that in schoolteaching process we feel student understanding rises apparently.
More similar words: schoolteacherschool teacherteach schoolschool termteaching toolteaching machineteam teachingteachingteaching aidfinishing schoolold school tieteaching systemteaching fellowteaching methodlanguage teachingteaching processteaching programteach-inschoolchildteaching certificateschool-age childparochial schoolschoolingflying schoolriding schoolnursing schooldancing schooldriving schooltraining schoolboarding school
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