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Right-hander in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2019-09-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: right-handedright-handednessright-handright handright-hand manright hand sideright-hand sideright-hand ruleMeaning: n. 1. (baseball) a pitcher who throws with the right hand 2. a person who uses the right hand more skillfully than the left right hander. n. a person who uses the right hand more skillfully than the left. 
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1. He gave him a right-hander on the jaw and knocked him unconscious.
2. He was the only right-hander among his team's top six batsmen.
3. Right-hander Darren Dreifort agreed to a one-year contract.
4. Right-hander Ismael Valdes started and pitched three innings.
5. Right-hander Ramon Martinez is expected to start, followed by left-hander Joey Eischen.
6. Left-hander Joey Eischen and right-hander Mike Harkey each pitched two scoreless innings.
7. The 35-year-old right-hander was approached after his decision to leave Gloucestershire.
8. A well organised right-hander, he, too, seems ready to advance to higher things.
9. The right-hander is a candidate to begin the season on the disabled list and continue rehabbing in Florida during extended spring training.
10. Right-hander Carlos Reyes, who will pitch opening day, has started just 10 major-league games.
11. One pitcher who fits that profile is Boston right-hander Aaron Sele.
11. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
12. It it too hard to watch a right-hander and try and swap the whole thing in your brain.
13. The right-hander allowed the first four batters he faced to reach base.
14. The tall right-hander with the funky, sidearm delivery played for the Yankees from 1996-2000, winning four World Series titles. He returned for part of the 2003 season.
15. The38- year-old right-hander, on the disabled list with a strained left hamstring, will be back on the field Saturday to work on fielding drills and test himself covering bases.
16. The right-hander wasn't his sharpest, but his performance still translated into seven shutout innings and an 8-0 victory over the Twins at Yankee Stadium.
17. The tall right-hander with the funky, sidearm delivery played for the Yankees from 1996-2000, winning four World Series titles.
18. The right-hander hasn't allowed an unearned run in his last 41 starts.
19. Promising Seattle right-hander Felix Hernandez was knocked out during the Yanks' five-run fourth inning[], and Wang took a shutout into the seventh.
20. The swings were not good enough. Yankees right-hander Mike Mussina said it appeared the Rangers had no idea how to handle the young hurler. He was that good.
21. The right-hander has been off for about a full week because of the all-star break.
22. Yankees right-hander Mike Mussina said it appeared the Rangers had no idea how to handle the young hurler.
23. The rest of the league has been waiting for a belly flop, but the Giants' cagey right-hander refuses to wilt.
24. The former Macau Electric Company was once housed in a building overlooking this 180-degree right-hander. The building still remains but is now occupied by the current electricity consortium, CEM.
25. The Yankees have a potent offense of their own, and Rays right-hander Jason Hammel will be charged with keeping those bats in check.
26. As expected, Wang showed no emotion when asked to comment on his run for the Cy Young. In fact, the right-hander wasn't even aware he was tied for the lead in the majors.
27. Though Wang seems like an established veteran, the 27 - year -old right-hander remains Guidry's pet project - especially in the aftermath of the AL Division Series.
28. But as he enters his fourth season in the majors, the right-hander has to make adjustments.
29. At contact, make sure that the left hand (for a right-hander) is dominant and doing more work than the right hand.
30. While it may be too late for Federer to take such drastic action, the only reason Nadal, a natural right-hander, plays left-handed is because of his uncle and coach Toni's foresight.
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