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Left-hander in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2019-03-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lefthanderleft handerleft-handedleft-handednessleft-handleft handleft hand sideon the left-hand side ofMeaning: n. 1. a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand 2. a person who uses the left hand with greater skill than the right left hander. n. a baseball pitcher who throws the ball with the left hand. 
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1. Commentators are eulogizing about the 17-year-old left-hander.
2. Left-hander Scott Radinsky, bothered by tendinitis in his left middle finger, will pitch a simulated game against hitters today.
3. The first man the left-hander faced, pinch-hitter Eric Davis, homered into the bleachers in left.
4. Left-hander Joey Eischen and right-hander Mike Harkey each pitched two scoreless innings.
5. Snicking through St Mary's, a sharpish left-hander with an odd camber and change of surface.
6. The left-hander was excused for personal business when the rest of the pitchers and catchers reported last Friday.
7. What if he had been a left-hander?
8. While a left-hander appears to be putting things in a much more positive light for the 90% of viewers who are right-handed.
9. The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.
10. Literally be able to learn to do things left-hander is a left-handed people, while others usually do things right.
11. Baltimore presents a tough challenge in left-hander Erik Bedard, who logged one of his 12 victories this season in his only start against New York.
12. Kuo, unusually effective for a left-hander against right-handed hitters because he likes to pitch inside, said he's more confident using secondary pitches when he starts.
13. The accessible left-hander left a easilyome handkerchief on the handle of the backpack.
14. Meanwhile, six-time runner up and a fellow left-hander White tweeted: "He's so entertaining and I love his flair shots.
15. De Leon, a natural left-hander, grew up from the age of 7 fighting right-handed, much like his boxing idol Oscar De La Hoya.
15. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
16. Right-hander Ramon Martinez is expected to start, followed by left-hander Joey Eischen.
17. There, Emerson made a superb start but got caught in traffic at the first left-hander.
18. A rightie gesturing with his right hand appears on our bad side of TV. While a left-hander appears to be putting things in a much more positive light for the 90% of viewers who are right-handed.
19. A day after winning the rights to negotiate with Japanese left-hander Kei Igawa with a $26,000,194 bid, the Yankees remained focused on acquiring another starting pitcher to go with him.
20. It means a right-handed politician, such as Nick Clegg, will wave his right hand when passing on positive news, while a left-hander – such as David Cameron – will gesture with his left.
21. About a hundred years ago a few feeble efforts were made on behalf of the left-hander.
22. And of course, there is turn 8, which is a very long left-hander where we will probably be flat out with the V8 this year, with lateral loadings of 4G.
23. He found that the G700 could actually be used by a left-hander, as the design isn't entirely incompatible.
24. Every year I ask for Edward to seated next to another left-hander or on the correct side of the table for him.
25. According to numerous media outlets, the Yankees had won the rights to the Japanese left-hander, who has pitched the past eight seasons for the Hanshin Tigers.
26. Here are two of these products aim for small niche market: 80% keyboard and left-hander keyboard.
More similar words: lefthanderleft handerleft-handedleft-handednessleft-handleft handleft hand sideon the left-hand side ofleft hemisphereit is my belief thatvote of thanksunderhandedshort-handedright-handedshorthandedneanderthalno wonder thatleftright-handednessunderhandleftycleftneanderthal manit's no wonder thatbackhanderbe leftsmall wonder thatleftistleftwardcopyleft
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