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Recombinant in a sentence

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Sentence count:185Posted:2017-12-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: recombinant dnarecombinationrecombinecombinablecombinationin combination withcombination switchbusiness combination
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61. Field trials of recombinant subunit vaccine of infectious bursal disease (IBD) were made in 9 flocks of commercial broiler chicken with 3 batches of experimental production.
62. Results: Show the dose, methods and effects of recombinant human erythropoietin to premature infants with anemia.
63. The strains with recombinant plasmid of hEC - SOD were induced and expressed as inclusion body.
64. The secretion of recombinant protein to periplasm or extracellular medium has more advantages than the expression intracellular as inclusion bodies.
65. However, the recombinant yeast could not grow on the traditional tributyrin plate because this kind of medium is lack of essential nutrients for yeast growth.
66. Objective To investigate the amelogenin expression of recombinant plasmids PsecTaq 2 A - AMG in COS 1 - cell line.
67. Results: The recombinant L asparaginase had the same quality as that of native products.
68. In the last few decades, with the development of recombinant DNA technology, metabolic engineering has made tremendous advances.
69. Janpanese encephalitis virus; recombinant plasmid; DNA sequencing; restriction endonuclease analysis.
70. The invention discloses brucella abortus immune marking recombinant strain and the application thereof in preparation of vaccine.
71. The safety of intramuscular injection of recombinant adeno - associated virus ( AAV ) - mF to rescue hemophilia B was assessed.
72. Results:The constructed recombinant plasmid contained the sequence of TSO45-4B gene that was identified by endonuclease digestion and sequence analysis.
73. The purified recombinant major outer-membrane protein (MOMP) of Chlamydia psittaci(Cps)expressed in E. coli was mixed with oil adjuvant and manufactured as MOMP-vaccine.
74. Purpose : To give an appraisal of recombinant L - asparaginase.
75. AIM To investigate thrombolytic effect of recombinant staphylokinase in vivo.
76. BACKGROUND: Recombinant human erythropoietin is commonly used for treatment of anaemia.
77. After the extensive news coverage of this momentous event(, the study of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA was thrown into the public spotlight.
78. Biotechnologies for animal nutrition and production are often based on the use of micro-organisms, including those produced through recombinant DNA technology.
79. PURPOSE : To establish a stable cell strain secreted recombinant tissue - type plasminogen activator ( rt - PA ).
80. Objective To detect anti - M 2 autoantibody using recombinant BCOADC - E 2 - OGDC - E 2 ( BO ).
81. The green fluorescence protein (GFP) gene recombinant virus labeling is a new method for the neuroanatomical studies.
82. Results The recombinant plasmid with mutant gene was constructed correctly.
83. The optional high cell-density fermentation conditions, purification methods and biological activity of the recombinant enterokinase in E.
84. Objective To investigate the amelogenin expression of recombinant plasmid PcDNA 3 - AMG in COS - 1 cell line.
85. Recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (r-TPA) was also used when clinically indicated.
86. A semi - quantitative PCR was developed and used to demonstrate the transcriptase activity of the recombinant protein.
87. Optogenetics combines recombinant DNA technology and optic technology, and is very powerful for cell biology research.
88. Conclusion The AK gene of Blattella germanica has been cloned and the recombinant AK protein has been confirmed with immune activity.
89. Conclusion This ELISA using recombinant OspC was a good method for early diagnostic of Lyme disease.
90. Conclusion: The application of recombinant L - asparaginase was promising.
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