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Queue in a sentence

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Sentence count:201+13Posted:2017-03-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: line upqueue upwaiting lineSimilar words: queue upMeaning: [kjuː]  n. 1. a line of people or vehicles waiting for something 2. (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted 3. a braid of hair at the back of the head. v. form a queue, form a line, stand in line. 
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151. The monthly publication of the unemployment figures provides a depressing barometer of the dole queue.
152. Granny was a galleon in the queue of our boys, glowing and clucking.
153. Option R, Rush Print Job, lets you move a document to next in line in the print queue.
154. While ordinary citizens had to wait months to get hospital treatment, government officials were able to jump the queue.
155. The queue in front of the bank hasn't budged since the beginning of June, and it's a very long queue.
156. Kylesku was notorious, and approaching cars raced to be in the front of the queue to avoid a frustrating wait.
157. You have not included the name of the batch queue in the command line.
158. Why not save money - and jump the queue today.
159. The jobless queue is getting perilously close to the 4m mark.
160. Secondary school classes have also grown(, with more pupils staying on rather than face the dole queue.
161. We walked straight to the head of the queue and helped ourselves from a huge cauldron which was steaming on top of an oven.
162. Well-if I wanted to join the queue to sign on for work, I needed an address first.
163. Credit-checking agencies, credit-card processors and other heavy telecoms users have been at the front of the queue.
164. I took a tramcar a second time; when it stopped I saw a long queue of mostly Black men.
165. Asylum seekers, with tales of torture, rape and solitary confinement, can go to the end of the queue.
166. I'd stand in the lunch queue at school in my pegs while everyone else was in these horrible big flares.
166. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
167. Chapter eight Delia Sutherland stood in the immigration queue at Nassau Airport.
168. He had brought no money, so he was not allowed to join the untidy crocodile of children forming the dinner queue.
169. Can you tell the people at the back of the queue to stop pushing!
170. The queue shuffled into a blind spot between two viewports.
171. Now I make enough money to pay others to help at home and queue for me.
172. Outside the site offices local people queue for jobs that were promised to each family.
173. We stood in the customs queue, grasping passports in sweaty palms.
174. Edward Woodward is the latest star to join the queue for the confessional.
175. Why does not he admit that since last year's Budget more than 500,000 people have been added to the dole queue?
176. An orderly queue was formed, stretching throughout the corridors of Hardside and out on to the rugby pitches.
177. Little chills ran up and down her spine, as she waited in the queue for her lunch.
178. On every street corner a newspaper billboard proclaimed it, in every soup kitchen queue people discussed it.
179. Cars stack up behind every bus, while passengers queue to pay their fares.
180. Can you believe they make him wait in the queue, just like everybody else?
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