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Playing in a sentence

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Sentence count:281+51Posted:2017-02-15Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: slayingsayingstrayingplayplayoffplayerplay offplay downMeaning: [pleɪ]  n. 1. the act of playing a musical instrument 2. the action of taking part in a game or sport or other recreation 3. the performance of a part or role in a drama. 
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181. He's playing the lead in the new play.
182. Some kids were playing on the swings.
183. The children got really messy playing in the woods.
184. Stop playing silly buggers and help me lift this.
185. He did his back in playing tennis.
186. He is playing into the hands of racists.
187. Microcomputers are playing an important role in our lives.
188. They are playing "Carmen"at Capital Theatre.
189. You can't do that-it's not playing the game!
190. Polly was playing with her teddy bear.
191. Nina had been playing the piano.
192. Many people like to watch others playing games.
193. There is a poetic quality to her playing.
194. We admired the sureness of the orchestra's playing.
195. The children were playing on the inflatable castle.
196. Chelsea are playing away this Saturday.
197. He's always got the stereo playing full blast.
198. I remember him,as a child,[]playing the piano beautifully.
199. Mini - computers are playing an important role in our lives.
200. If we get the police involved, we'll be playing right into the protesters' hands.
201. He's getting a bit long in the tooth to be playing football.
202. The rebels may be playing for time while they try to get more weapons.
203. Do you prefer playing tennis on grass courts or hard courts?
204. Germany are playing against Brazil in the cup final tonight.
205. I don't like music playing when I'm working. It puts me off.
205. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
206. While they're playing scene two in front of the curtain, you can drop in the scenery for the next act.
207. Defending his wicket watchfully, the last man is playing out time.
208. My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary.
209. The children were playing house, giving dinner to their teddies.
210. Her hand was playing on the edge of the bed.
More similar words: slayingsayingstrayingplayplayoffplayerplay offplay downdisplayfair playplay withinterplayon displayhorseplayplay a partplaygroundplaywrightfryingcloyingqualifyingunderlyingterrifyingflying colourselectrifyingcarrying capacityplanningplacatingpolling placeelectroplatingalready in
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