Synonym: conclusion, consequence, effect, fruit, result, upshot. Similar words: come home, Dutch, come, comet, some, home, come on, come up. Meaning: ['aʊtkʌm] n. 1. something that results 2. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon.
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61) Fate took a hand in the outcome of the championship.
62) We are waiting to hear the final outcome of the negotiations.
63) The outcome of the court case was disappointing for the family involved.
64) He refused to comment, saying he did not wish to prejudice the outcome of the talks.
65) The main topic of conversation was the likely outcome of the election.
66) It would be foolhardy to try and predict the outcome of the talks at this stage.
67) The outcome of the case will set a legal precedent .
68) It is possible to predict the outcome with reasonable accuracy.
69) The outcome of that meeting could signal whether there truly exists a political will to begin negotiating.
70) It is impossible to predict the outcome of the negotiations with any degree of certitude.
71) We accept the outcome of the inquiry, without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters.
72) These costs are payable whatever the outcome of the case.
73) It's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting.
74) The outcome will be seen as a litmus test of government concern for conservation issues.
75) People who had heard the evidence at the trial were surprised at the outcome.
76) Lawyers have a direct financial interest in the outcome of the debate.
77) It is yet premature to predict the possible outcome of the dialogue.
78) She's not very optimistic about the outcome of the talks.
79) Both sides were happy with the eventual outcome of the talks.
80) Thank you for coming, James. Unfortunately, I don't think your presence will make a whit of difference to the outcome of this meeting, as I'm fairly sure our demands won't be met.
81) The settling way will hang on the outcome of our discussion.
82) The outcome of the discussions is a decision to proceed with Phase 2 of the programme.
83) Many trade disputes are pending, awaiting the outcome of the talks.
84) Much turns on the outcome of the current peace talks.
85) The outcome seems to depend on the type of soil used.
86) His anxiety about the outcome melted,( to return later but not yet.
87) We can't predict the outcome. There are too many imponderables.
88) Billions of pounds are riding on the outcome of the election.
89) The outcome of the experiment is in the lap of the gods.
90) I do not know what the final outcome will be.
More similar words: come home, Dutch, come, comet, some, home, come on, come up, come at, come for, come of, come out, come by, become, come off, come to, come down, at home, someone, moment, come into, come from, come forth, become one, come out of, come true, handsome, come about, homeland, come up to.