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Operation instruction in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-05-08Updated:2024-05-08
Similar words: operating instructionsconstruction operationconstruction industryinstructioninstructionsinstructionalcall instructiondirect instruction
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1. Control point: check every detail with the operation instruction.
2. General layout, make working operation instruction, and train operators.
3. Prepare equipment safe operation instruction; strive on the operator's technical operation training and assessment.
4. Replacing HV fuse should refer to the operation instruction of HV switchgear delivered with the product.
5. Compile the each equipment safety operation instruction and monitor the implementation status.
6. According to the operation instruction,[sentence dictionary] make a suit oxidized process card for WeiMin products.
7. We had read the operation instruction before we began to test the machine.
8. Assist the supplier quality engineer to prepare the operation instruction manufacturing quality Inspection.
9. Modify process the operation instruction; and add the key part dimensions into the operation instruction.
10. The system is not only used for training, but also for operation instruction.
11. The device comprises a call request receiving unit, an operation instruction obtaining unit and a call holding execution unit.
12. Operating and checking elements AS should accord strictly with the operation instruction delivered with the Product.
13. Actuator must be connected and operated exactly according to the operation instruction.
14. As the basis of HSE management system file, HSE operation instruction plays a very important role.
15. Monitoring content: state information acquisition , failure alarm, energy measurement, report print, operation instruction, failure record, failure query, etc.
16. Design process flow diagram. Support PFMEA. Support process control plan. Take charge of operation instruction.
17. Lead new product development of diesel engine which includes technical document preparation, BOM set up, operation instruction preparation and project management, etc.
18. The software of the system consists of 6 function modules: operation instruction, sampling, management of data, analysis of spectrogram, correlogram and sonagram.
19. The system is nol only used for training, but also for operation instruction.
20. Work out logistic chain optimization and planning process related operation instruction, maintain it.
21. Adjust the welding machine, evaluation and concerned WI and machine operation instruction.
More similar words: operating instructionsconstruction operationconstruction industryinstructioninstructionsinstructionalcall instructiondirect instructioninstruction bookinstruction sheetinstruction codejump instructionconstructionistclear instructionmicroinstructioninstruction cyclemacroinstructioninstruction manualsimple instructioninstruction systemdeconstructionismdeconstructionistmachine instructioninstruction pointercontrol instructionspecial instructioninstruction sequencecourse of instructioncomputer instructionassisted instruction
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