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Mean square deviation in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2024-07-05Updated:2024-07-05
Similar words: mean square errormean absolute deviationaverage deviationsquare dealdeviationno deviationdeviationistmeans of transportation
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1. The relations between the powers and the mean square deviation of parameter estimation were obtained.
2. The determination coefficient and the mean square deviation of the models were optimized with the gradual increase of sample mass.
3. The mean absolute error and the mean square deviation obtained by the method show that the new method is more effective than the traditional iterative methods.
4. The analysis to the mean square deviation showed us the conclusion, that the prediction accuracy of WSVM was better than the ANN and traditional SVM models.
5. The reason is that the formula of calculating mean square deviation.
6. Design of cocoon matching methods is a common measure to narrow the mean square deviation and enhance the quality of raw silk in multi end reeling.
7. The simulation on PC shows that the algorithm can find the critical nodes in topology, and the mean square deviation can evaluate accurately the survivability for a given connected topology.
8. The main inputs of the ANN are the key process parameters and the output is the mean square deviation of the radial spinning forces.
9. The GDOP of this system relates to baseline of formation-structure and mean square deviation of time measure.
10. The paper simply reviews the application of quantification method in accident loss statistics, and proposes the method of mean square deviation analysis to determine the weight coefficient of simples.
11. The nonuniform coefficient is defined as the ratio of mean square deviation of mean interval discharges in a year to mean annual discharge of the year and it is a standard statistics.
12. The model was analyzed by use of statistics linearization method, and the simulation result of displacement mean square deviation of the response of package was obtained.
13. Kalman-Filter-based optimal observation scheme is a Bayesian method, which improves observation locations by minimizing the expectation of the root mean square deviation(RMSD) of the analysis field.
14. A simple iterative method for superimposing sets of NMR derived structures and calculation of the root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the sets is described.
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15. The popular method that statistically averaging transdermal fluxes has large mean square deviation, because the time varying property of TDD and the individual difference of SC samples are ignored.
16. Scatter diagrams and the statistical criteria of relative error and mean square deviation were used to evaluate this model.
17. At last, a method is developed to identify the variability anomaly by means of the sliding mean square deviation.
18. Based on the uncertainty and inaccuracy characteristics, runoff series could be divided into different states via mean square deviation method of data series.
19. Comparing the lunar speed data of the 6 calendars with the modern data, we obtained that the mean square deviation is about 0.4 ancient degree of China.
More similar words: mean square errormean absolute deviationaverage deviationsquare dealdeviationno deviationdeviationistmeans of transportationstandard deviationstandard deviationsfrequency deviationmeans of communicationmeans of communicationssquare mealsquaredall squareddaredevilsquare dancesquare dancingalleviationmeans of productiondesquamationabbreviationdevitalizationflotation devicedevitrificationundeviatingpopulation meandisqualificationtransmission equation
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