Similar words: market, upmarket, marketing, supermarket, free market, bull market, money market, market share. Meaning: ['mɑrkɪtəbl /'mɑːk-]
adj. 1. being in demand by especially employers 2. fit to be offered for sale 3. capable of being marketed.
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61. In 2007, my best estimate is that China accounted for $120.3b of the $247.2b increase in the outstanding stock of marketable Treasuries not held by the Fed.
62. Article 19 Current assets of enterprises with foreign investment shall include cash on hand, cash in bank, marketable securities, receivables, prepayments and inventory.
63. The main method of separation used in refineries is fractional distillation, although further processing is normally required to produce marketable petroleum products.
64. When stocks are purchased, the entire cost of purchasing stocks should be debited to the Marketable Equity Securities account, credited to the cash account.
65. But the more you can place your own emphasis on bankable achievements, the more marketable you'll be to a broad range of employers.
66. Making goods readily marketaBle is the Businessmen's fundamental technique of operation.
67. In addition to cash, current a ets typically include temporary investments in marketable securities , notes receivable, accounts receivable, merchandise inventory and prepaid expe e.
68. "Many times it's easy for the housewife to think that she has no marketable skills, but this is typically a combination of low self-esteem and a lack of self-examination," says Dr. Potter.
69. Make yourself marketable outside your company as well as inside.
69. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
70. With the introduction of marketable mechanism in china, the phenomenon of particalaristic trust and universalistic trust declined has aroused.
71. Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed.
72. Irrigation agriculture is a pillar industry in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area. At the same time, large irrigation area is an important marketable grain base.
73. The western area of Dongting lake is one of the main marketable grain base in our country, and an important marketable base for pork, reed hemp and the freshwater aquiculture.
74. Recovery of marketable kernels with a hand cracking machine averaged only 17 %.
75. In 2008, my best estimate** is that China bought $374.6 billion of the $1684.8 billion increase in the outstanding stock of marketable Treasuries not held by the Fed.
76. Marketable equity securities are usually shown at the Lower - of - cost - or - market value on the balance sheet.
77. The former GAAP requires lower - of - cost - or - market in the accounting for marketable securities , applied on a portfolio basis.
78. The properties, uses and marketable prospect of thrihydroxymethyl propane is introduced.
79. The official sector holds at least half of all long - term US marketable government securities outstanding.
80. Sexiness is a marketable product , the next thing on your shopping list.
81. Any difference between the proceeds of the sale and the cost of the investment is recorded by a debit to Loss on Sale of Marketable Securities or by a credit to Gain on sale of Marketable Securities.
82. Danny chose taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed.
83. You'll also need to consider how marketable you'll after a pause in your work life.
84. As of June 30, Google says they have $39.1 billion in cash in the bank (cash, cash equivalents, and marketable securities). Net cash flow in Q2 was $3.52 billion.
85. You must have a marketable product and stand behind that product or service without reservations.
86. By the end of the 20th century, trend spotting and trendsetting were marketable skills.
87. In the quick ratio, the quick assets are cash, marketable securities ( short - term investments ), and net receivables.
88. The sale of an investment in stocks is recorded by debiting cash for the amount received and crediting the Marketable Equity Securities account for the cost of the securities sold.
89. As the petroleum industry highly progresses marketable and effective development of petroleum seems quite important.
90. Theoretically, any asset that has a revenue stream can be transformed into a marketable debt security.
More similar words: market, upmarket, marketing, supermarket, free market, bull market, money market, market share, bear market, hypermarket, flea market, stock market, black market, common market, marketplace, market forces, market value, market economy, capital market, commodity market, market research, money market fund, market structure, marketing manager, market segmentation, vegetable, timetable, on the table, coffee table, remarkable.