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Lv in a sentence

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Sentence count:68Posted:2018-08-13Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being five more than fifty. 
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61. In general, patients with relatively normal preoperative LV function will not require inotropic support to separate from CPB.
62. The programming principle of erasing and programming of AM 29 LV 160 DB in BDM mode is emphasized.
63. Lv Ruxiong , with the byname Lv Guanbo , was born in Yangjiang city, Guangdong province in 1947.
64. Liu Yan expresses banteringly, the Lv of price unified exam that advertisement sells rises.
65. And we showed that when combined ranolazine with either enalapril or with a beta blocker, it gets a better improvement in LV function than with ranolazine alone.
66. LV bags are famous not only for its luxury but also for its high - qualified workmanship.
67. The most related factor to LA area index was LV end-diastolic volume index.
68. Results: Non- dippers were significantly different to dippers in LV mass, urinary albumin, mean 24h ABP, night SBP and the lowest SBP at night.
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