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Karen in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+3Posted:2017-11-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: kartkarmakaratkarstkaratekaraokekarachisukarnoMeaning: n. the Tibeto-Burman language spoken in the Thailand and Burmese borderlands. 
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151. For Karen this journey to Washington was a big adventure.
152. It is success for the second time for Mr Myers and his long-term business partner Karen Jones.
153. And Karen, the controller living in fear of the cost-cutting chief financial officer?
154. I couldn't afford to risk being left on the shelf once Karen had had her way with me.
155. All I wanted to do was to get away, but Karen refused point-blank.
156. The children gagged and joked as expected, Jim and Karen exchanged smiles throughout the meal.
157. He was sandwiched between Rory and Matthew's younger sister, Karen,( who was a nurse.
158. The legend that has grown around them began three years ago during a massive Burmesemilitary offensive against the Karen tribes.
159. She felt for Karen, but she had no idea what she would have done with her on the roster next year.
160. When they arrived, Karen drove into the doctors' car park and stopped the car.
161. Karen stayed at home while the children were small, and made a little money from freelance writing.
162. He was later slammed by thousands of Liverpool supporters when he was pictured kissing Karen on the anniversary of the Hillsborough disaster.
163. At school Karen was always one of the brainy ones.
164. A more substantial objection is why neither Karen nor I had dived in to try and save Dennis.
165. She has imagined what that would do to Karen and has considered how the other players would take it.
166. Coma sat down beside Karen Novotny's body.
167. Karen had a beautiful singing voice.
168. Karen was one of the victims.
169. Everyone puts their hands up except Karen.
170. Karen has a date with Paul on Friday.
171. Karen gave Joan a lift with the housework.
172. What advice does Karen give Ann?
173. This is Karen Schultz at the Academy Awards.
174. Doesn't Karen Marsh look old!
175. Long blonde hair framed Karen Sloan's face.
176. Karen Blixen: I had a farm in Africa.
177. We had thirty minutes to wander in downtown Milan, so Karen and Handy and I stepped into the cool interior of the Duomo.
178. The captain learnt from the letter that the name of the lost ship was the Karen.
179. But at the same time, I could also see the movie Out of Africa in which a young Danish woman, Karen Blixen, made her home in Kenya, then British East Africa, and built schools for children there.
180. Karen Eck of Gatineau, Que., is one parent who disputes that milk is essential.
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