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J in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+2Posted:2017-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [dʒeɪ]  n. 1. a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second 2. the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet. 
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151) Nolan J. dismissed the claim but the Court of Appeal, by a majority, reversed his decision.
152) This, it is said, is achieved by the inclusion of paragraph 33 in Buckley J.'s order.
153) But there is an ancient paperback by E J Maitland.
154) J.-hungry media with snappy sound bites and an attention-grabbing stance on domestic abuse.
155) Apparently,( they learned a lesson from the O. J. Simpson criminal trial by avoiding boring and time-consuming chronological presentations.
156) J Is for Judgement comes in hardback at the same time.
157) Cora J.. Rupp has spent her life immersed in art and wishes more of us would jump into the pool.
158) Flett, an Orcadian, had taken medical and natural history degrees at Edinburgh, having studied geology under J. Geikie.
159) It has a name most appropriate to our profession: J Press.
160) Sargant, J. granted the injunction, even though in doing so it would involve considerable hardship on the part of the Council.
161) Indeed, it was a question about which, at p. 311B, Roskill L.J. expressed doubts.
162) The gloves are critical because they were smeared with blood consistent with DNA from both victims and O. J. Simpson.
163) Then J.J. Thomson showed that these atoms of charge exist; we call them electrons.
164) No big deal To be sure, O. J. Simpson was treated with kid gloves.
165) J., and is the fourth microbial genetic blueprint Human Genome has determined.
166) The reorganization kicked into high gear last May, when J.. Philip Samper took over as chairman and chief executive.
167) All told, $ 75 billion in spinoffs were pending in late December, according to J. P. Morgan.
168) On 26 February 1992 Hobhouse J. adjourned the application and invited the Attorney-General to appoint an amicus curiae.
169) P J Desmond Clearly demonstrated the complexity of the issues in a well-argued presentation which suffered at times from being a little unfocussed.
170) What is it? % % % Keep our city cool By P.J.
171) In the action before Walton J. the landlord was suing the original lessee for the arrears of rent.
172) J K Rowling's 'Harry Potter' books were number one on the best-seller list for months.
173) In a judgment delivered by the late Hunter J.A. the court rejected this argument.
174) Harman J decided that the injunction restraining a breach of confidence should expire at the same time as a restrictive covenant.
175) Mr. Michael J. Martin Naval construction work of this type will obviously lead to work for subcontractors.
176) The dissenting judgment of Geoffrey Lane L.J., which had applied the traditional collateral fact doctrine, was approved.
177) Knox J. in his judgment cited a passage from the speech of Lord Wilberforce starting at p. 1025D.
178) A film version of J K Rowling's first novel is expected to boost sales.
179) Before Waite J. the doctors were unanimous that mechanical ventilation should not be provided, if the occasion for it arose.
180) So it was the bait piled in by J.J. and myself the first night of a season in the early 1970s.
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