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J in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+2Posted:2017-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [dʒeɪ]  n. 1. a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second 2. the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet. 
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181) Patrice said to J. L. She swallowed her beer hurriedly.
182) She had difficulty keeping up with J.D.'s long, quick strides.
183) Lord Taylor of Gosforth C.J. read the following judgment of the court.
184) Hayden helped provoke the late Richard J.. Daley into a temper tantrum that turned the 1968 convention into a street brawl.
185) Was Mocatta J. right to hold that the automatic obligation to increase the retum letter of credit was consideration?
186) This was J.P. Morgan's forerunner and whose junior partner was Pierpont.
187) I also agree with Scott L.J.'s observations about the form of order that would be proper to be made.
188) Here were the hazards a golf course ought to have: a sense of hazard itself,( j sense of mortality.
189) G.J. Allman lectured in March 1873 on another Darwinian theme, the formation of coral islands.
190) The condition which the court imposed was in the very terms subsequently incorporated in paragraph 33 of Buckley J.'s order.
191) His swimming trunks had a name-tape sewn to the waistband: J. Rossiter.
192) He succeeds as chairman Robert J.. Lievense, who will become president and chief operating officer.
193) Jeffery J.. Carlson, a Santa Monica defense lawyer offered a similar critique.
194) J: He was a fat, jolly, bearded old man.
195) Sterling Moss and A? J? Foyt race cars professionally.
196) Only J has an unambiguous single male and female.
197) J . Craig Venter is chairman of the Craig Venter Institute.
198) Tier integration is the center of the J 2 EE programming model.
199) J. Soc. Dyers Col . ( Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourists ).
200) Wildsmith JAW. Predicting the sprend of spinal anesthesia . Br J Anaesth 1989, 6:353.
201) Among the giants were Jay Gould, J . P . Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford.
202) I introduce to you, the Honourable Judge William J . Moth.
203) John BC, John FE . Delayed diagnosis of duodenal rupture. Am J Surg 1996 ; 168:676 - 679.
204) But researchers at Imurtan of Cambridge , England, and Nextran of Princeton, N . J . , are making headway.
205) They eventually settled on J . J . Abrams, the creator of the TV spy show, Alias.
206) Lee MC : Family and adolescent childbearing . J Adole Health 2001; 28:307 - 31.
207) This successor was J . F . McLennan, the exact opposite of hispredecessor.
208) Romberger, J . E . ( 1988 ). Curriculum development leadership for elementary principals . Unpublished ED . D . Dissertation. University of Massachusetts.
209) Pendar, J . E . ( 1982 ). Curriculum and career . Unpublished master thesis, McGill University, Montreal.
210) Earlier today, J ? Eric Humphrey was summoned as the applicant's first witness.
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