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Hand-pick in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-11-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: handpickhand-pickedhandpickedsandpitsandpiperwindpipestandpipegrand pianoMeaning: v. pick personally and very carefully. 
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1, He was hand-picked for this job by the Admiral.
2, The grapes are hand-picked and pressed.
3, These stories were handpicked in the book.
4, Sokagakkai was able to hand-pick his successor.
5, You can handpick your assistants.
6, Oblivious, Mr Straw exchanged pleasantries with hand-picked prisoners.
7, Dawson was Mayor Kelly's handpicked successor.
8, Those men were handpicked strong-arm thugs, hired for the occasion, known for their viciousness.
9, The other judges, both charisma-free, were handpicked to make him shine.
10, Nobody from her handpicked half-dozen is going to utter a mumbling word.
11, Every track is handpicked, and every track you hear in the Collection is the original big-selling recording!
12, Johns decided to record Satriani live in the studio over the course of 12 days with a handpicked crew of session players.
13, Some of his closest aides have been handpicked from the pharmaceutical sector.
14, The 7,000 delegates were handpicked for loyalty, and did not utter a word of criticism.
15, He circumvented the seniority system, handpicking some of the most important chairmen.
16, He had a hand-picked team whose sole function was to do just that.
17, Such funds usually offer less flexibility than individual shares handpicked by the investor.
18, And do you personally hand-pick the dancers?
19, But in practice,( political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees.
20, These political "bosses" had used their influence to hand-pick their state's convention delegates — and to make sure that they voted "correctly" at the national party convention.
21, During the summer fruit season, you can hand-pick leeches off trees.
22, He had made it his business to surround himself with a hand-picked group of bright young officers.
23, Majestic grace is matched with brute strength ... Each horse is hand-picked for its temperament and skill.
24, But the high profile of these men signals how China's current leaders, who hand-pick their successors, want the country to be run.
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