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Goodness in a sentence

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Sentence count:244+11Posted:2017-03-06Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: badnessevilillnessSimilar words: good namesadnessmadnesskindnesshardnesstirednessstaidnessawkwardnessMeaning: ['gʊdnɪs]  n. 1. that which is pleasing or valuable or useful 2. moral excellence or admirableness. 
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61. He did it out of the goodness of his heart.
62. Much of the goodness in food may be lost in cooking.
63. These vegetables have had all the goodness boiled out of them.
64. You're not telling me he offered to lend you the money out of the goodness of his heart?
65. Goodness knows, I've never liked the woman, but I didn't know how bad it would be to work with her.
66. Not a lot of domestic politics about, thank goodness!
67. Government should not try to legislate goodness or generosity.
68. Oh for goodness sake, let's keep is that way.
69. Goodness is simple, badness manifold.
70. He was leaving,[] thank goodness!
71. Oh, for goodness sake, stop squabbling, you two!
72. The first is: thank goodness for insurance.
73. Politeness is to goodness what words are to thoughts. Joseph Joubert 
74. She had a wonderful combination of beauty and goodness.
75. And in the case of this campaign(, thank goodness.
76. Goodness is the only investment that never fails. Henry David Thoreau 
77. With an inclination to believe in archetypes of goodness.
78. Have passed them all, thank goodness.
79. Walnuts add crunchy goodness to salads, soups, and desserts.
80. Phew, thank goodness for that!
81. But she's slept well today, thank goodness.
82. My goodness no - over your dead body.
83. But goodness knows, Nona had had her say there.
84. His goodness shines through his every action.
85. There was no sign of him now, thank goodness.
86. Oh, my goodness, it's nearly 12:30.
87. Whatever happened to punishment, for goodness sake?
88. Anne believes in the basic goodness of all people.
89. Maybe this takes the onus off what goodness is.
90. My goodness, we certainly did have some outstandingly good preachers around these parts, particularly before the war.
More similar words: good namesadnessmadnesskindnesshardnesstirednessstaidnessawkwardnesswretchednessgoody-goodygoodgoodsearnestnessgood forfor goodgoodlygoodmanmake gooda good manyas good asbe good ata good jobwednesdayuselessnesstactlessnessselflessnesslimitlessnessa good dealcommon gooddo a good job
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