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Full-dress in a sentence

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Sentence count:6Posted:2018-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: full dresswell-dressedcocktail dressmedical dressingfull duplexfull-duplexfull disclosuredreadfullyMeaning: adj. 1. suitable for formal occasions 2. (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes 3. complete in every respect full dress. n. formalwear consisting of full evening dress for men. 
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1. And the unveiling was a full-dress media event.
2. But that was just a full-dress rehearsal.
3. They had just stood up, in full-dress uniforms, clasping white-gloved hands, apparently about to dance.
4. I want to make the Ming Dynasty, which compared with full-dress ?
5. His plan was to introduce poison gas into ventilation system in the bunker in Berlin during a full-dress military conference.
6. Hurstwood's word, however, had gone the rounds. It was to be a full-dress affair.
More similar words: full dresswell-dressedcocktail dressmedical dressingfull duplexfull-duplexfull disclosuredreadfullybusiness addressrestfullyfullnessdressresentfullydressydress uprespectfullyresourcefullydresseraddressdressedundressredressdress outdressagesundressdressed-updressingaddresseedress downsuccessfully
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