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Event table in a sentence

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Sentence count:21Posted:2024-03-04Updated:2024-03-04
Similar words: preventableunpreventableat tableforgettablegive vent tooutput tablepivottableregrettable
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(1) The JDBC resource adapter continuously monitors the event table by polling the event database to detect when there is a new row in the event table.
(2) The adapter polls the event table for event records, retrieves associated event data from the corresponding data source, and creates and sends ASBO's to the integration broker.
(3) For example, in the case of the JDBC adapter, this queue will be the "event table", and in the case of the MQ adapter( table.html), this queue will be an MQ queue.
(4) For the details of the event table definition refer to the Inbound processing section of the Technical overview of the Adapter for JDBC in the references section.
(5) The event table archive view (Figure 7a) contains information about the events that have been processed.
(6) An event table stores the asynchronous events generated by the database triggers in a staging table.
(7) Connects to the event table database and obtains the event table event view (Figure 4b) using the value of etEventViewName information.
(8) The simulation strategy that this procedure adopts is the event scheduling. Therefore, the main work focuses on dealing with the event table and processing the corresponding subprograms.
(9) For inbound processing, when data manipulation (create, update or delete) has occurred in an application table, the database trigger captures the changes and inserts a row into the event table.
(10) If the collected lock event data should not be kept for further analysis purposes, the unformatted event table must be dropped manually using the DROP TABLE statement, as shown in Listing 22.
(11) Similarly, enter the following commands to create an order event table and triggers to populate the event table for insert, update, and delete operations.
(12) Figure 12 shows the polling state of the adapter, polling for events from the event table (Figure 7b).
(13) By default all the different IBM TSOM tables are created in the default table space, so you should use a separate table space for event data and event table indexes.
(14) The event method reads the transition table attribute, followed by the event table attribute.
(15) Figure 5 illustrates the interaction between an adapter and an application event table.
(16) The BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE() macro takes two arguments: the class the event table is actually for and the immediate parent of that class.
(17) Dropping the lock event monitor does not implicitly drop the corresponding unformatted event table.
(18) The event listener component of Lotus Domino listens for Lotus Domino events in specific Lotus Domino databases and populates the event table with information about the events.
(19) When the module containing the export consumes the event, the event table removes the event.
(20) To actually respond to events, you must define the event table within your implementation files.
(21) This database includes the Customer table, which is the table that the application will synchronize, and the event table that the JDBC resource adapter will poll to create inbound events.
More similar words: preventableunpreventableat tableforgettablegive vent tooutput tablepivottableregrettablewait at tableunforgettabletransmittablebreakfast tablerentabletable entryorientablepatentablelamentableblessed eventpresentablefermentablekitchen tablerepresentabletable of contentscurrent taskcurrent taxinvestment taxseventy-sevengovernment takeunforgettablyregrettably
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