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Electrolytic in a sentence

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Sentence count:181Posted:2020-06-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: electrolytic cellelectrolytic capacitorelectrolytenonelectrolyteelectrolyzeelectrolysiselectrolyzerelectromagnetic spectrumMeaning: n. a fixed capacitor consisting of two electrodes separated by an electrolyte. adj. 1. of or concerned with or produced by electrolysis 2. of or relating to or containing an electrolyte. 
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151. A highly reliable electrolytic condenser and an electric double layer condenser can be obtained by using this ionically conductive polymeric electrolyte.
152. While adopting the indissoluble anode to electrolyze, it can play a role in controlling the grain size of the electrolytic copper powder effectively, but the output is lower.
153. In the development of new working electrolyte for wet tantalum electrolytic capacitors, addition of depolarizer is adopted based on the theory of negative electrode capacitance and its effect.
154. The effectiveness of electrolytic process on ship ballast water treatment and its operational feasibility on board are studied in the paper as well.
155. Introduces anticorrosive design of the plant for the electrolytic zinc production line engineering.
156. In the electrolytic aluminium production, applied self - suitability control was an advanced control technology.
157. Electrolytic process is an important method of producing copper powder, two important parameters of which are particle size of copper powder and efficiency of cathode current.
158. In plasma electrolytic process, there are various physical and chemical effects that were used to develop various new modern surface engineering.
159. This article presents a new electrolytic acidification method for preparing 12—Ceriummolybdenun heteropoly acid.
160. This paper presents main technical parameters, structural features, operation of electrolytic copper crane.
161. An advanced electrolytic process using high molecular polymer film as the diaphram to prepare high purity auric potassium cyanide was presented as the subsequent purification process.
162. Electrolytic solution shows a circular motion when electric current flowed in a magnetic field through a electrolytic cell.
163. Then a stochastic multi-objective PSO (SMOPSO) is proposed, and the integral SMOPSO is used to optimize the dispatching of time-sharing power supply for electrolytic zinc process.
163. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
164. Equipped with stereotaxic technique , electrolytic destroying of the left side pyramidal tract was carried out to create central spastic palsy model.
165. In copper electrolytic refining, high quality cathode copper can be produced by adding WHN1 together with suitable amount of gelatin and sulfocarbamide .
166. The ultrasonic technics was applied to anode oxidation of aluminum. The influences of ultrasonic on anode oxidation curves, electrolytic process parameters and oxide film's morphology were studied.
167. Started production of Conductive Polymer Solid Electrolytic Capacitor in Taiwan in 2006.
168. Effects of technological conditions on sealing quality , uniform colour , corrosion resistance are analyzed. Ways of getting excellent electrolytic colouring quality are discussed.
169. Effects of technological conditions on sealing quality, uniform colour, corrosion resistant are analyzed. Ways of getting excellent electrolytic colouring quality are discussed.
170. The electrochemistry process of Directly Electrolytic heat-resisting Al-Zr-RE Conductors was investigated by means of cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry.
171. This paper introduced the condition of application of PLC programing for production of aluminium electrolytic process. Remarkable energy saving effect and economic benefits have been obtained.
172. Experimental results show that the varieties of inorganic and organic impurities have different effect on the current efficiency and the quality of electrolytic zinc in the process.
173. But that of an electrolytic manganese dioxide ( EMD ) decreased from 72.5 % to 25.3 % during the first ten cycles.
174. Quantitative analysis of phase composition of EMD ( electrolytic manganese dioxide ) by X - ray diffraction method is introduced.
175. Anionic electrodeposit coating line for aluminum shell of solar water heater is introduced. Anodic oxidation, anodizing electrolytic coloring and anionic electrodeposit coating process are focused.
176. The electrolytic cell is the main production equipment in the aluminum production process, and it is also the main object of analysis and monitoring to the anode effect prediction system.
177. Dynatron, light-emitting diode, electrolytic capacitor metalized capacitor, inductance , safety capacitor , crystal oscillator , and other kind of electronic components tape.
178. Vanillin is prepared by electrolytic oxidation of 4-hydroxy-3-methoxymandelic acid which is obtained by reaction of electrolytic solution of oxalic acid and guaiacol.
179. In present paper a new technology of the second start - up method of electrolytic cell is described.
180. Due to the influence of properties, resource and cost, anode material of electrolytic capacitor changed from Al to Ta, Nb and suboxide in turn.
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