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E in a sentence

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Sentence count:205+11Posted:2017-06-09Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: [iː]  n. 1. a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for normal reproduction; an important antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in the body 2. a radioactive transuranic element produced by bombarding plutonium with neutrons 3. the cardinal compass point that is at 90 degrees 4. the base of the natural system of logarithms; approximately equal to 2.718282... 5. the 5th letter of the Roman alphabet. 
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151. Accounting Theory Accounting theory is conventionally concerned with financial accounting, i.e. with accounting to external providers of finance.
152. Conditions: Some comfort can be obtained by placing certain conditions to the offer e.g. minimum net assets etc.
153. Usually an administrative service, e.g. notifying all interested parties that a Design Change is awaiting assessment.
154. E R.. Mchboob hands the cheque to a small boy to deposit.
155. During its resting period in Winter, i.e. October-February, the leaves die back, and during Spring sprouting takes place.
156. The Annie E.. Casey Foundation, a well-endowed charity dedicated to disadvantaged children, moved to the city last year.
157. The quantity denoted by the letter E varies from experiment to experiment.
158. Illegal counterfeit manufacturers have taken advantage of a burgeoning circular trade between E C countries in pharmaceuticals.
159. Next cut the tips of the l.e.d. leads at an angle using side cutters so that each lead ends in a sharp point.
160. Vitamin E is available from so many food sources that no normal diet could possibly be deficient in it.
161. This does not apply to membership or employment in any public body, e.g., an electricity authority.
162. The sudden[], unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse.
163. The well-known poet, e.e. cummings, does precisely that; he achieves special effect by using unusual grammatical configurations.
164. He then sought a declaration that A.P.E.X. was not entitled to do this.
165. It is normal to commence proceedings in the local County Court - e.g. for the recovery of a debt.
166. The story concerns a wealthy countess who creates a fictional fianc e to avoid the fellows hitting on her.
167. I only hat, e another year here and then I cop out!
168. The plants offered by this name belong to the species E. berteroi.
169. The correct sequence is shown in Fig. 1 and must be followed, i.e. D1 to pin 3.
170. However, it's not only meat eaters who are at risk,[] as E.coli spreads easily from meat to other foods.
171. Please note that tickets will be held at the Box Office for collection if no s.a.e. is supplied.
172. An early investigation of Roman lead-rich glazes using this analytical technique was carried out by the late E.M.
173. The C A R E service gives a choice of five subscription schemes ranging from £69 to £30.
174. The bondholders elected their committee representatives, i.e. eight bondholders to the Club's four ordinary members.
175. It will potentially drive a wedge between the Catholic H.E.
176. This chapter concentrates on the latter two, i.e. fixed capital investment and inventory investment.
177. It was still a long way from biochemistry, i.e. the understanding of how these substances functioned in the living organism.
178. Low structure and tussock shape, which gives protection from drying winds, e.g. heather, bilberry.
179. Commodity price stabilisation schemes appeared to be aimed at interfering with market forces, i.e. demand and supply.
180. E.. Modesto already serves a few customers in one of those cities, Riverbank.
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