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Debtor in a sentence

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Sentence count:153+1Posted:2017-02-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: debitorSimilar words: debtindebtedpublic debtnational debtdebutdebardebrisdebateMeaning: ['detə(r)]  n. a person who owes a creditor; someone who has the obligation of paying a debt. 
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(61) The summons gives your debtor 14 days to pay or let the court know why he won't.
(62) Garnishee a debtor 's wages.
(63) The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor.
(64) Balance the debtor ledger and city ledger.
(65) He crowded the debtor for payment.
(66) Bankruptcy protects the debtor from debt collection by creditors.
(67) The debtor shall, within 15 days after receipt of the order of payment, clear off his debts or submit to the people's court his dissent in writing.
(68) Article 5 Bankruptcy cases shall be under the jurisdiction of the people's courts in the location of the debtor.
(69) The risk that a debtor or counterparty will be unable or unwilling to repay or may otherwise default on a financial obligation of some kind.
(70) After the debtor has discharged his debt, the deposit shall either be retained as partial payment of the debt or be returned.
(71) During the period of reorganization, the debtor or administrator that borrows money for carrying on business may create a security on the loan.
(72) Its effectiveness governs the creditor, the debtor and the secondary debtor.
(73) How much is still owing to the company by its debtor?
(74) The order of payment can be sent and reach the debtor.
(75) An informal group of commercial bank creditors, the London Club negotiates with debtor governments that have loan problems and need to reschedule debt.
(76) To give a debtor a period of grace or two week'grace.
(77) The liquidators shall either be paid by the debtor or they shall enjoy priority in payment from the asset of the bankrupt company. The amount of their remuneration shall be decided by the Court.
(78) The debtor was summoned ( to appear before the magistrates ).
(79) Before the contract performance period starts, the debtor has no actual obligation to make payment In this sense, breach of contract occurs only after the performance period. As declared by O. W.
(80) 'It may seem like an all-powerful creditor and weak, supplicant debtors, but the debtor countries and the surplus country are locked in a mutual embrace that is problematic for both of them.
(81) As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, the debtor or the third party is the pledgor, the creditor is the pledgee, and the movables delivered are the pledged property.
(82) The debtor or administrator shall give an explanation of the draft plan for reorganization at the creditors' meeting and answer inquiries.
(83) An authorization to a debtor, such as a bank or nation[], permitting temporary suspension of payments.
(84) How to manage debtor risks if it is a non - recourse factoring facility?
(85) An informal group of commercial bank creditors, the London Club negotiates with debtor governments that have loan problems and need to ...
(86) Creditor is required to prove by a preponderance of evidence that his claim against debtor is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.
(87) A priority of payment given to one or more creditors by an insolvent debtor.
(88) The U. S. is the world's largest debtor nation and only digging itself in deeper.
(89) The acid-test ratio assumes that all current liabilities are payable immediately and that the debtor will convert the mast liquid assets to cash.
(90) Article 51 Where the debtor's guarantor or any joint-and-several debtor has paid off the debts on behalf of the debtor,( he may declare his claims on the basis of his right of recourse to the debtor.
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