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Chuck in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+7Posted:2016-12-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: flickflingpatpitchtapthrowtossSimilar words: churnchunkchurchtouch upcatch up withfuckbuckluckMeaning: [tʃʌk]  n. 1. informal terms for a meal 2. the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade 3. a holding device consisting of adjustable jaws that center a workpiece in a lathe or center a tool in a drill. v. 1. throw carelessly 2. throw away 3. pat or squeeze fondly or playfully, especially under the chin 4. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth. 
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(31) He'll chuck you off his land if he finds you.
(32) The owner threatened to chuck us out of the pub if we got drunk.
(33) Chuck would lecture me, telling me to get a haircut.
(34) If you buy the freezer and the fridge we'll chuck in a toaster.
(34) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(35) Her parents are going to chuck her out on the street.
(36) The San Francisco Giants deactivated wide receiver Chuck Robinson.
(37) JJ and Chuck seemed pretty serious.
(38) What about my plan? Chuck it away.
(39) I can not chuck them at the last minute.
(40) Just go ahead and chuck out the batteries.
(41) Joseph frowned, then looked at Chuck in puzzlement.
(42) Chuck me those cigarettes[], would you?
(43) How do you like the painting, Chuck?
(44) My favourite put-down of all came from Chuck Berry.
(45) Chuck Moxon and his partner took the suspect barn.
(46) Chuck has blond hair and a smooth boyish face.
(47) Marinades make less-tender cuts, such as chuck steaks, grill-worthy.
(48) Their preference for cleanliness extends to a marked dislike of the chemicals that we may choose to chuck in.
(49) And chuck that bulk-paid glossy stuff in the trash before you put the key in the door.
(50) A small one, but let's chuck it in with the rest.
(51) Chuck stared down at him in puzzlement for a moment.
(52) It's a nice picture - it'd be a shame to just chuck it away.
(53) On duty she strode about looking as if she could not wait to get off duty and chuck a discus.
(54) He and buddy Chuck Bauman have been circulating petitions for months asking voters to repeal property taxes.
(55) Once Chuck turned and grinned delightedly at her as he paused to mop his brow, and she smiled warmly back.
(56) Chuck was too crafty, too careful to put himself in jeopardy that way.
(57) In a weird symmetry, Hendrix, with his young white-teen audience, was a sixties equivalent of Chuck Berry.
(58) As he bolted down his breakfast Chuck gazed around the clearing with delighted eyes.
(59) As Chuck followed Devraux into the trees he hung back, pulled out his flask again and drank deeply from it.
(60) As well as a steel carrying case, the drill comes with battery pack, charger, chuck key and a double-ended screwdriver bit.
More similar words: churnchunkchurchtouch upcatch up withfuckbucklucksuckducktucktruckruckusbuck upbucketfuckingpluck upbucklingstuck withhappy-go-lucky
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