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Cell-free in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2020-02-10Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: toll-freesmall frybullfrogfall from gracealfredpalfreyfree frenchalfrescoMeaning: adj. lacking cells. 
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1 The control group was transplanted with cell-free collagen gel.
2 Histological examination showed that the ABL was cell-free collagen fibers.
3 The results showed that both the cell-free extract and culture supernate from mouse SRS-82 cell line were leukemogenic.
4 Cell-free protein synthesis has some advantages on protein expression and regulation,[] compared with traditional cell-based expression system.
5 Conclusion Cell-free non-homologous end joining system has been developed to support the study of mechanism of DNA repair in human leukemic cells.
6 It seemed that the nuclear reconstitution in Xenopus cell-free extracts is independent of not only the resources of exogenous DNA, but also the length of DNA.
7 An environmentally friendly method using the cell-free extract (CFE) of bacteria Rhodopseudomonas capsulate was proposed to synthesize gold nanowires with a network structure in this paper.
8 Lymphocytic leukemia could be induced by inoculation of cell-free extracts from L783V/3T3 cells into Kunming strain newborn mice.
9 And the results were great in cell-free system of mammalian and botanical cells.
10 Science, Medicine, and the Future: Cell-free fetal DNA and RNA in maternal blood: implications for safer antenatal testing.
11 Here we report the most advanced technology for cell-free protein synthesis system and its application progress.
12 The establishment of cell-free systems is considered as one of the important advances in the field of cell biology in recent years.
13 Both cell-free and cell-associated Enterocin E9 activity enhanced with the increasing cultivation time in certain time horizon.
14 But scientists are far from sure if such cell-free alchemy is possible.
15 Crude exopolysaccharides LCP were prepared from cell-free whey of skim milk fermented by Lactobacillus casei LC2W by eliminating proteins with trichloroacetic acid and precipitating with cold ethanol.
16 A phosphatase(or phosphatases)catalyzing the hydrolysis of fructose phosphate esters to free fructose and inorganic phosphate was also found in the cell-free extracts.
17 Objective:A mean concentration was shown by quantitative analysis of fetal cell-free DNA in maternal plasma.
18 Bianchi said she owns stock in Verinata Health, a company that is developing cell-free fetal DNA tests for Down syndrome, although that company had no role in the new study.
19 These data demonstrate that vanillin effectively scavenges PON in cell-free systems.
20 Their translation activities were measured in a wheat germ cell-free system.
21 The translational activity of mRNA was found to be 5-10 times that of blank controls in wheat germ cell-free system.
22 However biochemists have achieved certain steps of the multiplication process in cell-free media.
23 But look at the raw data on the top — background noise from a cell-free vial on the left, and a massive homeopathic dilution of a Mycoplasma suspension on the right. Woo hoo!
More similar words: toll-freesmall frybullfrogfall from gracealfredpalfreyfree frenchalfrescofreedom of religionself-repairself-renewalself-regarddegree of freedomcell organellealfred nobelself-readingself-respectself-reliantcontrol freakself-relianceself-reproachself-restraintself-regardingalfred the greatself-regulationself-reflectionself-regulatingself-respectingself regulationwell-fed
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