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Birdie in a sentence

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Sentence count:65Posted:2018-02-01Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: birdshuttleshuttlecockSimilar words: a bird in the handbirdbirdercatbirdbird dogseabirdbluebirdbirdhouseMeaning: ['bɜːdɪ]  n. 1. (golf) a score of one stroke under par on a hole 2. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers. v. to shoot in one stroke under par. 
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1, She sealed victory with a birdie at the final hole.
2, Like Birdie Walker, I survived, but that's another story.
3, Love made the 20-foot birdie putt from the fringe.
4, It started that great birdie run by Lee.
5, That was his fifth successive birdie.
6, Do you think he smiled after the birdie?
7, He made his birdie and he made his cut, right on the button.
8, There, Leonard recorded a birdie and Mickelson had a 3-putt bogey.
9, A birdie is rare indeed at Aldeburgh where there is virtually no margin for error, especially if the wind blows.
10, He made a 10-foot birdie put to close to within one.
11, Six years ago, Dexter and Birdie Yager had succeeded in their business beyond their wildest dreams.
12, He made birdie to open up a four-shot lead I looked at him and winked.
13, The only birdie putt he had of any distance was at No. 10, where he holed a 15-foot shot.
14, I made the putt for a birdie, the longest putt I had made in two weeks of golf.
15, I think he'd tried to make a certain birdie but he'd really come unstuck.
16, Your man has a birdie putt,[] and you are both pleased.
17, He missed birdie putts at Nos. 14, 16 and 17.
18, Greenside experts saw him miss three birdie opportunities, from six, 10 and 15 feet.
19, But he made a birdie and two pars coming in, and made the cut by two shots.
20, Only one of his birdie putts was more than 12 feet as he continued to pepper the pins.
21, Woods then holed a birdie putt from six feet to stretch his lead to four.
22, Good play from Wilson at the 15 and a birdie 3 at the 16 brought the match all square once again.
23, Morgan had his chances, even after losing the lead outright when Player had a second straight birdie on No. 15.
24, Woods, sensing blood, hit a fantastic second from 149 yards that almost went in, leaving him a gimme birdie.
25, But Jacklin was still in a position to make birdie, about 12 feet away.
26, Lehman missed both, leaving his long eagle putt well short, then sliding barely right on the birdie attempt.
27, The novel gathers the pace of a thriller as the resourceful Birdie becomes a runaway searching for her scattered family.
28, He then shot 11 straight pars before finishing with a flourish and a birdie on the last.
29, He missed four short ones in a 74 but rolled home a 25-foot birdie putt on the last green.
30, Norman pitched his into the heart of the green and had an outside chance for birdie.
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