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Beef in a sentence

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Sentence count:275+23Posted:2016-07-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beef cattlebellyachebitchboeufcrabgripegrousehollerkicksquawkSimilar words: free fromtake effectthe greenhouse effectMeaning: [biːf]  n. 1. cattle that are reared for their meat 2. meat from an adult domestic bovine 3. informal terms for objecting. v. complain. 
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151) The government is anxious to allay public fears over the safety of beef.
152) Cook the minced beef in a saucepan over a high heat until browned.
153) Dredge beef in flour and brown in batches in oil over high heat in a flameproof
154) The program gives money to primarily low-income schools to beef up staff and resources for individualized instruction to disadvantaged children.
155) Where else can you go in your sweats and be served orange-flavored beef by waiters in black tie?
156) Charlie wants to start a campaign to get people to eat grass-fed beef as a health food.
157) The British beef crisis was damaging to the livelihoods of thousands of people in the industry.
158) Add garlic and ground beef and cook, stirring constantly to break up lumps.
159) Milk is the dominant product from livestock farms, and beef is usually a byproduct of the dairy herd.
160) Ted cranked open a can of Bonnie Hubbard beef hash.
161) These groups believe that both the Set Aside and Beef Extensification schemes could go one step further and encourage organic farming.
162) Squire's Choice - sliced roast beef rolled up with a filling of pickled red cabbage and horseradish sauce. 3.
163) Either that or an open-faced roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and peas.
164) The yield of beef carcasses varies according to the yield grade from about 80 percent for Yield Grade No.
165) The soy-beef blends were displayed in the meat counter with ground beef.
166) It is the first draft - one which the officials probably expected Ministers to beef up and argue about.
167) Add the tinned tomatoes, the beef and chicken stock cubes and the water and slowly cook until the vegetables are done.
168) They keep fewer beef cattle and many of these are stall-fed rather than grazing in the fields.
169) The tins of sardines, salmon and corned beef he pushed to one end of it.
170) These areas are predominantly used to rear hardy beef cattle and sheep which are sold in the autumn to be finished elsewhere.
171) Moreover, lean grass-fed beef has not caught on as farmers hoped.
172) She would send over beef tea and other delicacies to try and cheer them up.
173) So what you get in cattle like beef cattle you get an extra frame score in adulthood having the whole thing.
174) Deli-type sandwiches with corned or roast beef, turkey or ham are also an option.
175) Beef is graded on the basis of its fat content.
176) Do you want me to heat up some corned beef?
177) In the meantime, the milk remains ideal for cheese-making and the breed's beef production is creditable for a dairy type.
178) It is transmitted to humans mainly through infected beef or through exposure to cattle manure.
179) He had promised to cook his hostess a speciality of his - beef fondue.
180) The Rose Room still serves made-from-scratch corned beef hash and every member of the staff is still consummately professional.
More similar words: free fromtake effectthe greenhouse effect
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