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Be composed of in a sentence

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Sentence count:47+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-06-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: composeddecomposecomposedlycomposeimposedcomposerdiscomposesuperimposed
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1. The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.
2. He proposed a smaller army to be composed of better-trained and better-equipped soldiers.
3. But the Rehnquist court is supposed to be composed of conservatives.
4. These centres will be composed of several research teams, usually local, that focus on defined collaborative projects.
5. This commission would be composed of mutually acceptable and appropriate international personalities and representatives from governments and international organizations.
6. They may be composed of impact ejecta, some of which may have been molten.
7. On analysis it was found to be composed of 90.26% copper and 9.16% tin, with a loss of 0.13%.
8. It will meet in Vienna and be composed of the permanent representatives of the participating States. 19.
9. The face of the Adjudicator inExtremis seemed to be composed of flat green slabs.
10. The attacking force may be composed of all combat types, including four or five carriers, transports and train vessels.
11. This table should be composed of three parts.
12. Unlike a low-pressure center, which may be composed of two or more air masses, an anticyclone usually consists of a single air mass.
13. The HKSAR's executive authorities and legislature shall be composed of permanent residents of Hong Kong.
14. All matter is found to be composed of atoms and molecules.
15. The Arbitration Committee shall be composed of 15 members, including 1 chairman,( ) 2 vice-chairmen and 12 members.
16. The highest class would be composed of the intellectual aristocracy.
17. Appears to be composed of pure energy, channeled through unconnected parts.
18. Favorable reservoirs may be composed of sandstones, conglomerates basement metamorphic buried hills, and volcanic rocks.
19. The idea that the future will be composed of brand loyal customers, unbranded shoppers and "Facebook travelers" was addressed by Craig Hewett, founder and chief commercial officer, Wego.
20. Scientific researchers have found tears to be composed of negatively charged ions.
21. The liquidation group shall be composed of the Fund Manager, theCustodianservice organizations.
22. It may be composed of allelochemics such as alkaloids or terpenes.
23. A SMIL presentation can be composed of audio, video , images, text, and other media types.
24. A young moon shining on the cascading waters made them appear to be composed of drifting snow.
25. From the visual angle of critical thinking, the legal argument should usually be composed of the claimer, argument target, target audience and reasons etc.
26. Article 37 The shareholders assembly of a company with limited liability shall be composed of all of its shareholders.
27. Article 52 A company with limited liability shall have a board of supervisors, which shall be composed of not less than three members.
28. That USA jurist Pound points out[], society is hit by in modern commerce most public wealth is to be composed of contract.
29. The volumetric strain due to stress dilatancy of sand is found to be composed of a reversible dilatancy component and an irreversible dilatancy component.
30. This paper presents that the protection for the phase to phase fault should be composed of high frequency teleprotection channel and overreached distance relay.
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