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Badly in a sentence

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Sentence count:247+64Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: wellSimilar words: deadlybada bad eggdeadlineheadlinerapidlyfriendlyhardly anyMeaning: ['bædlɪ]  adv. 1. to a severe or serious degree 2. (`ill' is often used as a combining form) in a poor or improper or unsatisfactory manner; not well 3. evilly or wickedly 4. in a disobedient or naughty way 5. with great intensity (`bad' is a nonstandard variant for `badly') 6. very much; strongly 7. without skill or in a displeasing manner 8. in a disadvantageous way; to someone's disadvantage 9. unfavorably or with disapproval 10. with unusual distress or resentment or regret or emotional display. 
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151 He's been limping badly ever since the skiing accident.
152 People can react badly to certain food additives.
153 She was badly burned on the face and body.
154 He was badly wounded during the fighting.
155 They were shaken badly by the news.
156 His hand had been badly lacerated.
157 The team struggled badly last season.
158 There is no justification for treating people so badly.
159 My overcoat sets badly; it's too short.
160 He was shaking badly and needed a fix.
161 He treated his wife very badly.
162 She fell and chipped her tooth quite badly.
163 His clothes were badly torn.
164 An accident at birth left him badly handicapped.
165 The flight was badly delayed because of fog.
166 His plays have gone down badly in America.
167 When text is saved from a Web page, it is often very badly formatted with many short lines.
168 The tree is so badly damaged they are worried it might topple over.
169 The job market has been badly hit by the recession.
170 As we headed back to Calais, the coach was badly delayed by roadworks.
171 You may have to work part-time, in a badly paid job with unsociable hours.
172 A single chink in our armour at the negotiating table means we could lose out badly.
173 She's always grumbling to me about how badly she's treated at work.
174 The whole of his arm below the elbow was badly burnt.
175 This quote startlingly original novel unquote is both boring and badly written.
176 I really mucked up my chances by doing badly in the interview.
177 Sometimes the original abortion was done so badly that the uterus prolapsed.
178 Many houses were so badly damaged in the war that they were made permanently uninhabitable.
178 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
179 My sprained ankle has been acting up badly all week.
180 They have been treated badly, and they are rightly upset.
More similar words: deadlybada bad eggdeadlineheadlinerapidlyfriendlyhardly anyallegedlysupposedlyreportedlyrepeatedlyupwardly mobile
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