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Adhesivity in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2024-06-27Updated:2024-06-27
Similar words: adhesiveadhesive tapeadhesivenessadhesive agentadhesive bandageadhesive plasteradhesive frictionadhesive material
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(1) The material belongs to solid and has excellent adhesivity.
(2) Adhesivity between rubber and wire product, corrosion resistance as well as stability of lubricant were also determined.
(3) Superior conductance and adhesivity.
(4) The adhesivity of asphalt with aggregates directly affect the durability of the asphalt mixtures.
(5) Great properties of adhesivity and penetrability, no easy leaking during operation(Sentencedict), ensuring clean working environment.
(6) The strength of the fabric, the adhesivity between cloth and cloth, rubber and cloth was also evaluated.
(7) Comparing with common sizing agents, it has better adhesivity on polyester staple. It's more suitable for polyester staple yarn sizing. It is easy for desizing and it is more environmental protection.
(8) Adhesivity: It can make mortar attach to base material better since the plasticity of mortar is enhanced.
(9) A research was made on a novel size which had better adhesivity to both cotton and polyester fibres.
(10) In this paper, the plasma treatment was used to modify the surface of PET fibres and increase the wettability and adhesivity of the fibres.
(11) In this paper, copolymerization conditions of N - Vinylpyrrolidone ( NVP ) and acrylic acid were preliminarily probed. Copolymer of NVP and acrylic acid having adhesivity was synthesized.
(12) ObjectiveTo provide the theoretic basis for production technique of Xilei picking by studying its recipe, stability, adhesivity and release property.
(13) With adding liquid CTBN rubber in epoxy resin matrix, the toughness of epoxy resin matrix could be increased, and the adhesivity between epoxy resin matrix and steel-ball could be improved.
(14) MethodsThe recipe and producing technique of the picking were determined by detecting its stability, adhesivity and release property.
(15) The inner-Mongolia is rich in andesite, but the andesite is hard to be applied in practical asphalt pavement because it belongs to neutral stone and has bad adhesivity and moisture stability.
(16) The introduction of polyurethane groups to the blend improved the adhesivity, hardness, curing speed and surface energy of alkyd resin.
(17) The result has shown that the whole film on substrate exhibits low stress, good adhesivity and high homogeneity.
(18) The influences of the kinds of SBS, CPE/SBS proportion, the content of chloride in CPE, the quantity of hyperadhesion agent and plastifying agent on adhesivity were discussed.
More similar words: adhesiveadhesive tapeadhesivenessadhesive agentadhesive bandageadhesive plasteradhesive frictionadhesive materialadhesionadhesion coefficientpassivityemissivitydiffusivityimpassivityexpansivityexclusivityresponsivityexpressivityaggressivityprogressivityresistivitytransmissivityapparent resistivityelectrical resistivitycohesiveprivitycohesivenessmotivityactivitynativity
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