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Abutment in a sentence

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Sentence count:66Posted:2017-07-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: contentmentresentmentdiscontentmentfitmentointmentvestmentallotmentabetmentMeaning: [-mənt]  n. 1. point of contact between two objects or parts 2. a masonry support that touches and directly receives thrust or pressure of an arch or bridge. 
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1. Abutment was reduced to a minimum, transepts were often not built and the plan became a simple rectangle.
2. The water seeping around the abutment of the Saint Francis Dam was brown.
3. The environmental control unit was a squat concrete abutment with metal slotted vents.
4. Can the Stealth Shouldered Abutment be modified?
5. What material is the abutment made of?
6. Diameter of an abutment foundation - 2 meters.
7. What is a temporary abutment?
8. In the maxilla, the abutment distribution did not allow a palatal - free restoration.
8. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. Many dams accidents result from its abutment stabilizing failure caused by the high groundwater level.
10. The stability analysis of arch dam abutment rock mass include numerical method analysis and model experiment analysis.
11. The technique of semi - integral abutment jointless bridge has a bright future.
12. The second reason were abutment recurrent caries and then dummy breaking, gingivitis and periodontitis etc.
13. Conclusion: Abutment tilted less than 70 degrees can be fixed and repaired.
14. The methods of arch dam abutment rock mass include numerical method analysis and model experiment analysis.
15. Why will this Stealth Shouldered Abutment system decrease the use of angled abutments?
16. The difference between the oring and the ball abutment is the diameter of the male attachment on the abutment.
17. The peak value of abutment pressures on coal pillar had a certain distance to the wall, and the distance reduced when the working face width increased.
18. There is a smaller area of wall, broken by more extensive abutment.
19. It was a telltale sign that water was seeping through the canyon walls(, softening the mica shale and conglomerate abutment.
20. They are square in plan and rise sheer to varying heights without ornament, abutment and with few openings.
21. The car inclines to incline and to slide to roll and collides to the abutment.
22. This study was designed to assess the risk of injury or abutment of the posterior tibial tendon with the placement of medial malleolar screws.
23. The dredging machine comprises a main vehicle with a vehicle body leg device and a tilter, and a deep well dredging device and an abutment device which are arranged on the frame of the main vehicle.
24. The construction technology of removing existing bridge beam , establishing D-shaped beam, cutting existing abutment, pushing box bridge under quality and safety control are introduced.
25. The practice proves that to arrange bridge pier in the direction along flow is one of effect way for solving water stop problem of multi line skew bridge abutment pier.
26. Results A 3D finite element model of fixed denture including alveolar bone, abutment, pericementum and denture were established.
27. Conclusion: The telescope crown retainer has little influence than the precision attachment retainer to the periodontium of the abutment.
28. A loading analysis of the fixed bridgework with teeth and terminal fixture abutment was performed by means of three-dimensional finite element.
29. The position and state of the main roof above the terminal line of the coalface nearby the rises affect the magnitude of the peak abutment pressure and the difficult extent of the rise maintenance.
30. Objective : To improve retention of complete lower denture with impacted wisdom tooth as abutment.
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