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LPT in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2018-08-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sculptsculptedsculptorsculpturesculptresssculpturalsculpturedclay sculpture
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1 The image's peripheral area is blurry and some details may be lost with log-polar transformation (LPT). So the rectangular non-uniform sampling algorithm (RNS) was proposed.
2 The FPGA implementation scheme of LPT is also discussed in the paper.
3 Take advantage of the use of LPT port to control the power box in hardware design, it make the test system very simple in realization, and have good validity and transplantablity.
4 The diagnostic results of LPT was compared with that of bioptic pathology.
5 The performance of SPT, LPT, SWPT, EDD,( WDD and WPD is tested through computer simulation.
6 LPT circulation in blood was very important in maintaining the stabilization of thyroid system and energy metabolism in human body.
7 By describing the programming characteristics of AT89S51 LPT, the systematic design for doing in-line system programming with PC LPT was provided.
8 Objective:To explore a feasible method for "non-invasive" diagnosis and treatment chronic cervicitis by combination liquid-PREP test(LPT) and focused ultrasound (FU).
9 The algorithm is compared with benchmark methods, EDD, LPT and SLACK by using random orders.
10 In this paper, the case with window due date and proportional weights of this problem is discussed, it is shown that LPT job schedule is also optimal.
11 This paper gives a heuristic algorithm DLPT for bin packing problem by using LPT algorithm of scheduling theory and binary search method.
12 To keep the costs as low as possible, I've prepared a simple programmer (here are the schematics sources in a XFig format) connected directly to the PC's LPT port.
13 The machine scanning system connects to PC machines by print the port LPT.
14 The results of 3D viscous numerical simulation show that the efficiency of new LPT decreases 2.3 percent under the low Reynolds number condition, which was compared with that of design point.
15 The paper introduces the software and hardware design method of completing double dynamic display through LPT and COM by an example, and Chinese characters display method especially.
16 The results show that increase of flow Reynolds number and decrease of sensitivity of turbine performance to Reynolds number are two key technologies to aerodynamic design of high performance LPT.
17 A heuristic procedure is also proposed, which applies the LPT rule as its starting solution, together with a neighbourhood search based on pairwise interchanges.
18 It is pointed that the scheduling made by genetic algorithm gained lowest cost and highest support level, greedy algorithm and SPT rule are better than FCFS rule, LPT rule is worst here.
19 The hardware part is simple enough and uses COM and LPT port of the computer.
More similar words: sculptsculptedsculptorsculpturesculptresssculpturalsculpturedclay sculpture
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