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Kate in a sentence

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Sentence count:231+11Posted:2018-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: skateskaterice-skateice skateskate overskateboardcheapskatein-line skate
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151. Kate, still frightened she might be recognised, had chosen to have meals sent up to the apartment from the nearest restaurant.
152. Director Jane Campion's latest film, which stars Kate Winslet and Harvey Keitel, was one of the highlights of the New York Film Festival.
153. Not for the first time in the last twenty-four hours Kate wondered what on earth had happened to her child.
154. Kate pressed forward through the crowd to take her place.
155. His hands were tied behind his back and he was roped to Kate, whose hands were also bound.
156. Although her father gave her an allowance, within six months of starting work Kate could have managed without it.
157. Of course, Kate could have shrugged and let him stew in his own juice, or lack of it.
158. Physically she had a lot more to offer than Kate, but for some unknown reason he really fancied the policewoman.
159. Kate grabbed the shoulder of her daughter's tee-shirt and dragged her to the cell door.
160. He was only outdone by pony-tailed Kate Winslet, wearing a plunging black dress with a crocheted black cardigan.
161. I soon realised that not everyone was as naive as I had been and I fell out with Kate and Alison.
162. Kate Miskin pushed open the first door on the left and stood aside for Dalgliesh and Massingham to enter.
163. Kate regularly saves up to $7 with coupons she's clipped from the paper.
163. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
164. After two years in Spain, Kate spoke the language perfectly.
165. Kate remarked that it was amazing how much her kids knew about science.
166. How could he explain that Kate was his last chance?
167. She took up with old pals like Carolyn Pride and Kate Menzies.
168. During her childhood Kate often heard stories about herself in which she was cast as both spunky and stubborn.
169. He walked down the staircase, his shoulders bowed as if by a great weight, and Kate saw him pull himself erect.
170. Everyone is enormously excited and Kate and Paul keep the Polaroid snap of the Mango.
171. Kate finished her cocoa, listening to Mr Blakey breathing while he drank his tea beside her.
172. It was with a heavy heart that Kate kissed her children goodbye.
173. Kate was one of eight lucky finalists to be chosen from hundreds of entrants in the competition organised by Living magazine.
174. It is the Kate which demonstrates the commitment to realism of the film planners.
175. Food for thoughts, puns the hysterical Kate as they depart.
176. Kate puts her suitcase down on a green plastic-covered pouffe and gapes.
177. There were two aircraft casualties, a Zero crashed on take-off from the Hiryu and a Kate suffered engine failure.
178. We put Kate Moss naked on the cover as Eve with a snake.
179. Kate flung her arms around him and wept for joy.
180. Kate saw two young, surprised black eyes under heavy eyebrows as she gently squeezed the trigger.
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