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Kate in a sentence

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Sentence count:231+11Posted:2018-03-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: skateskaterice-skateice skateskate overskateboardcheapskatein-line skate
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121. He got drunk three times a week and made copious notes about Kate Molland and the human condition in his journal.
122. In the light from the streetlamp Kate could see the long dark lashes against her daughter's cheek bones.
123. Why are Kate and John so antagonistic towards each other?
124. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslett play two star-crossed lovers whose future looks bleak after they miss the chance to evacuate.
125. She knew as sure as eggs was eggs that Kate, bless her, had finally caught herself a man.
126. Kate read the expression in his eyes and parted her full lips to speak.
127. At Champney Crucis Kate directed the driver up a lane beside the dumpy little church.
128. Kate has been overseeing an AIDS education course in Constanta together with a local representative, Ana Ureche.
129. James and Kate came along the passage from the kitchen; they were whispering and giggling.
130. Kate had enjoyed her late lunch with Patrick Kelly very much.
131. Kate never received an answer to this letter, for it never reached Minnie.
132. Kate has taught me a lot about motherhood - mostly because she approaches it in a completely different way to me.
133. In order to marry football hero Tom Harper,( Kate endures being disinherited and estranged from her family.
134. But at this moment Kate could not have cared less if he was a mass murderer.
135. Kate rose above all the trouble at home and did well in her classes.
136. Belief in supreme beings of whatever creed or breed seemed to Kate to constitute an evasion of personal responsibility.
137. Years before, at Abbotsfield, Kate had told Peter that her father was tone-deaf.
138. They were all about the same age as my daughter Kate, and three were fighting for their lives.
139. She throws up. 22 November Paul gives Kate a kiss.
140. Kate wanted to slap Keith round the face but she refrained.
141. Liz smiled to herself, triumphant[], and ploughed on towards Kate.
142. Because Kate, for all her faults real and imagined, was the only person ever to take him at face value.
143. Peter would have liked to sit next to Kate but he had lacked the necessary social agility to secure the centre position.
144. When Harry and Kate make love, which is frequently, they go in for lots of lighted candles.
145. Frozen with horror, Kate heard noises and shouting from beyond the hut.
146. Within a fortnight, Kate was white and taut from lack of sleep and anxiety, but Toby was blooming.
147. Kate, Paul, the losers and villains, all appear merely as authorial conceits, unreal and without substance.
148. Her split with Breen, who now skates with 17-year-old Kate Robinson, was amicable.
149. We moved out of the flat a few weeks after and found a house fairly close to Kate and Alison's.
150. He needs a shrink, Kate thought, but she knew she would never dare suggest it.
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