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CW in a sentence

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Sentence count:52Posted:2018-08-05Updated:2020-07-24
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1. The news for fledgling network CW was much better.
2. There was no significant difference in CW of cochineal insects derived from different cultivation areas and harvest seasons.
3. CW laser output has been obtained from the other channel with a grating and its frequency can be tuned by a PZT.
4. RF superconducting cavities can work at CW mode or long pulse mode with high accelerating gradient. RF superconducting technology is widely used in particle accelerators.
5. The thermo-elastic model describing the interaction of CW laser with uniform optical materials is established, and material response and structure response are studied independently.
6. CW Contest Trainer - Using the same basic software modules as my Koch Method trainer, this software throws you into the thick of an imaginary contest.
7. The core point is that the control word (CW), service key (SK) and personal distribute key (PDK) can work on the link layer while USB key on the application layer.
8. Thermal distortion of mirrors caused by high power CW laser radiation and pressure distortion by water-cooled back pressure have been measured using a Twyman-Green interferometer.
9. A digital channel is scramble by applying a random 8 byte number to it, th is random number is called the Control Word (CW) , it is saved and sent out to subscribers.
10. As an example, a CW dye laser cavity is discussed and several useful results are presented.
11. In the condenser, which is a large surface-type heat exchanger, the steam is condensed by transferring its latent heat of vaporization to the cooling water (CW).
12. CW is abbreviation of clockwise and CCW is short for counter - clockwise .
13. The transfer to the special servicer, CW Capital, could occur as soon as this month, the people said.
14. In this report, spatially angular multiplexing technique is introduced, and the its applicability has been proved through a simulation experiment of digital holography with CW laser.
15. It is in researchers' great interest to study the response of pre-loaded structures irradiated by CW laser beam.
16. The experimental and theoretical studies on the pulse preionization of high power CW CO2 laser are presented in this paper and the photoionization process ia emphersized.
17. This paper discusses the principle and form of Heterodyne - CW Doppler fuze and Toothed - FM fuze firstly.
18. The temperature rise and output signal of PV InSb detector illuminated by CW laser were calculated with one dimensional thermal model and the experimental result was analyzed.
19. We measured the optical trapping capability and Q-values of the femtosecond laser tweezers in comparison with CW laser tweezers.
20. The advantages of laser weapon in future war, the development and evolution of high power CW laser weapon in US and the threat of laser weapon to ballistics missile are briefly described.
21. Continuous wave decision Circuit can be divided into two kinds, pulse width comparision and chopping identification. They give a CW indication as independent circuits individually in system.
22. A digital signal processing system for sinusoid - FM - CW radar is designed based on ADC + FPGA + DSP model.
23. These results are used to discuss the optimizing design of a CW laser seeded multistage dye laser amplifier .
24. When diameter and thickness of lap brace became smaller, the ultimate capacity of both CW and TW type overlapped joints decreased compared with symmetrical overlapped joints.
25. Experimental results are presented that demonstrate instibilities in a cw homogeneously broadened ring dye laser.
26. The software part is consist of opening out PCI driver program, scheduling logic, the display interface of passive mode and the FM, CW, all-scene, fan-scene of active mode.
27. We have gotten the run around since it was CW and they outsourced thew calls to another country to lower their
28. The main function of the module is as follows: it can detect the CW signal transmitted by the active sonar, and measure the frequency of target signal and the direction of target.
29. The saturation thresholds are given after the experimental investigation. We can learn by experiment that CW laser makes CCD saturated easily, but damaged difficultly.
30. The article has corrected the standard propagation model which is selected in M city of our country using the data of CW test, and discussed the signal variant correction and multi-variant correction.
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