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CW in a sentence

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Sentence count:52Posted:2018-08-05Updated:2020-07-24
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31. The further research direction of CW laser glazing is proposed.
32. The optimized KTP was used for second harmonic generation(SHG) in CW laser.
33. Stroke Adjustment: CW and CCW Infinite adjustment in both directions of rotation.
34. In a UHF passive RFID system, a reader transmits an unmodulated continuous wave (CW) to tags, which not only provides energy to tags but also serves as the carrier of tag backscatter signals.
35. We can learn by experiment that CW laser makes CCD saturated easily, but damaged difficultly.
36. Abstract: The advantages of laser weapon in future war, the development and evolution of high power CW laser weapon in US and the threat of laser weapon to ballistics missile are briefly described.
37. This paper discusses the CW laser oscillation process using the stationary state solutions of the optical Bloeh equations.
38. In part two, a broad band RCS measurement system, called stepped frequency CW system, is demonstrated.
39. The growing ion acoustic wave instability caused by the slow electron drift is studied by both CW and pulse modulated wave methods.
40. Hence, research into the war - on issues such as comfort woman, CW, BW etc. are mushrooming everywhere in the country out of own will, self-funded, without any sponsorship of the Government.
41. The phase modulation has some more advantages against CW, which uses ASK ( amplitude shift keying ).
42. We add amplitude modulation onto the CW laser and measure the modulation amplification between seeding and output laser.
43. Based on this analysis we have designed two type lens ducts and the coupling efficiency as high as 84% with quasi CW laser diode array was obtained for AR uncoated lens duct.
43. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
44. Current research on all-solid-state continuous-wave(CW) blue lasers mainly focuses on intracavity frequency doubling technique, but intracavity frequency tripling technique is seldom adopted.
45. Objective: to explore the strategies of combination treatment of Chinese and western medicine on chest wall (CW) carcinelcosis, and how to improve quality of life and prognosis of patients.
46. Based on the optical systems' "cat's eye" effect, a new technique working with single frequency modulated CW laser against IR scanning imaging systems is provided.
47. If it is placed in a CW Nd: YAG laser cavity Q-switching and mode locking can be performed simultaneously.
48. In present dissertation, by sending odd and even CWs simultaneously, along with then odd and even CW flag in TS packet header, the difference between adjacent CWs would be very clear.
49. Biological warfare ( BW ) and chemical warfare ( CW ) research involved testing in many locations.
50. A physical mold of ZF2 glass irradiated by high-power laser is established. The distributions of temperature and stress profiles are studied by the use of a 3-D model of heat conduction by CW laser.
51. Our goal is to provide detailed scholarship on the chemistry of CW agents that is required to understand their demilitarization and their behavior in the environment.
52. CW laser output has been obtained from the other channel, which can been tuned by a PZT.
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