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4th in a sentence

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Sentence count:118Posted:2018-08-22Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 14th44thMeaning: adj. coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude. 
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(1) The parliamentary session ends on October 4th.
(2) He commands the 4th Battalion.
(3) Her baby was born on 4th December.
(4) The 4th Division's objective was a town twenty miles to the east.
(5) The 4th of July is a national holiday in the US.
(6) The city has a parade every 4th of July.
(7) In a recent dummy run, the 4th Marine Brigade stormed a beach on Catalina Island.
(8) He was born in April - on the 4th to be precise.
(9) The 4th Division's objective was a town 20 miles to the east.
(10) Only every 4th hunt can be successful.
(11) Methods On the base of the 4th National IDD Surveillance, salt samples were divided into two parts, one for self measurement[], the other was sent to NRL.
(12) The body surfaces of 3rd or 4th instar larvae of Nilaparvata lugens were treated by ZR-515 and RH-2485 to explore the effects of hormones on wing dimorphism of brown planthopper.
(13) On Friday, June 4th, 2010, Ambassador Zhang Jungao, accompanied by the staff members of the Chinese Embassy and Chinese Medical Team, paid a visit to the Guyana Demerara Distillers Ltd (DDL).
(14) The 2nd ecdysis larvae appeared eyestalk, the 4th pereiopod was recognized as a faint swelling and the1st, 2nd pereiopod had 6,6 pairs of natatory setae on the exopod respectively.
(15) The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revolution of the time.
(16) Out of the 34 major competitions in the 4th All-China Games, small ball sports account for 5, including billiards, squash, golf, bowling, and bocce.
(17) On November 4th Ireland's government said that it planned budget cuts worth euro 6 billion (or 3.8% of GDP) in 2011.
(18) The Grand Prix is scheduled to take place on July 4th.
(19) In light of this tragic event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations.
(20) The swelling soil in Hefei zone was formed at the Q3 epipleistocene of the 4th subage or before. It belongs to the type of Huaihe alluviation and diluvion.
(21) Nealy 200 Hefei Post Bureau staff will serve the 4th All-China Games to enure smooth postal communication during the event.
(22) We investigated the symptom of de-adaptation to high altitude with de-adaptation questionary on the 2nd, 4th and 6th day[], and counted the sum of score.
(23) Pelosi was non-committal when asked about how much this would cost, saying more clarity will come from congressional hearings before and after the November 4th U.S. presidential election.
(24) The study selected the plant pesticide, the three kinds of 0.3% matrine(the 1st, 3rd and 4th) and 20% acarus killed dicofol milk to test effect on control of Ningxia Aculop lycii Kuang.
(25) However, the pain persisted with direct and rebound tenderness over the whole abdomen on the 4th day after ablation.
(26) Small terra-cotta figures from 3000 BC have been found in Greece and others throughout the Roman Empire from the 4th century BC.
(27) His works won the excellence prize of Japanese NOMA CONCOURS International Book Illustration Award, gold prize and silver prize of the 4th and 5th National Book Binding Art Exhibition.
(28) Company of American country semiconductor is the United States supplier of conductor of the 4th most, world rank is dozenth .
(29) But the effects on the beam are strong when the undulator is located in the 4th straight section, and the storage ring will not work if the compensation methods are not implemented in the ring.
(30) The mainly finished task of this paper is designing and simulating an V band downconverter with low conversion loss , which realized by use of passive 4th harmonic mixing.
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