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32nd in a sentence

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Sentence count:27Posted:2023-09-09Updated:2023-09-09
Similar words: 2nd22ndMeaning: adj. the ordinal number of thirty-two in counting order. 
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1. There's a post office where Oakland Road crosses 32nd Street.
2. At one time, Hakami was ranked 32nd in the world.
3. Wales did find the net in the 32nd minute.
4. The 32nd international competition, which also qualifies as entry into the WorldStar program, focuses on manufacturers, developers, designers, and users of innovative packaging solutions.
5. The ceremony also coincided with the 32nd anniversary week of Iran's Islamic Revolution.
6. The last reported sighting of the 32nd Regiment occurred in January, when a number of Carlisle locals claimed to have seen the redcoats loitering in or around their backyards.
7. Singapore (32nd) was ranked ahead of Tokyo (35th), Hong Kong (70th) and Beijing (142nd).
8. The goal, he told the 32nd National Health Congress, was “a Cambodia without malaria”.
9. A 32nd rest or demisemiquaver rest indicates an absence of sound for the duration of a 32nd note or demisemiquaver. It is represented by the symbol XXX.
10. In the 32nd minute, Anelka got clear of the Sunderland defence yet again but this time Fulop's knees prevented him from scoring.
11. Mr. Chairman, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, the 32nd World Congress of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has its grand opening here in Shanghai today.
12. She captured the rook with her bishop on the 32nd move.
13. He got sent off for deliberate handball in the 32nd minute.
14. She won a special election -- with nearly 62% of the vote -- to succeed longtime ally Hilda Solis, now U.S. Labor secretary, in the 32nd Congressional District.
15. The 7-year-old girl in Banten was Indonesia’s 50th case of H5N1 in a human since 2005, the 32nd case this year.
16. Over the past decade, the Havanese went from 92nd most popular breed to 32nd and the Portuguese Water Dog jumped to 60th from 80th place, thanks in part to being President Barack Obama's family pet.
17. Chu, a former BOE chairman who served three terms in the California State Assembly, will represent the 32nd congressional district as the first Chinese American woman in the House.
18. I hope you are more excited about your 33rd birthday than you were about your 32nd birthday.
19. NATO says it also bombed the headquarters of Libya's elite 32nd Brigade which it says has been used to lead and coordinate attacks on civilians.
20. A possible reference to April Fools' Day can be seen in the Canterbury Tales in the Nun's Priest's tale, a tale of two fools: Chanticleer and the fox(, which took place on March 32nd.
21. Balzaretti will be facing his former team on Sunday as the Rosanero and Bianconeri clash at the Barbera stadium in the 32nd matchday of Serie A.
22. The very best Libyan tanks - the T72s are likely to be with the elite 32nd Brigade led by one of Colonel Gaddafi's sons.
23. There are a whole series of recent achievements about regional geology presented in the 32nd International Geological Congress.
24. In a list of the world's most expensive cities for expatriates, Hong Kong rose to 32nd place from 52nd in 2009, according to Thursday.
25. Did you hear about the violist who bragged that he could play 32nd notes?
26. Sanqing Mountain, located in Jiangxi, was included on the UNESCO's World Heritage List Monday during the 32nd session of the World Heritage Committee.
27. You should take the stairs if traveling between one or two floors, barring personal injury, lest incur the wrath of those traveling to the 32nd floor whose trips are delayed due to your laziness.
More similar words: 2nd22nd
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