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32 in a sentence

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Sentence count:224+8Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being two more than thirty. 
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181. Case 2 was a male intravenous drug user, 32, and seropositive since 1986.
182. Then out came the gun, a.32 semi-automatic that killed Kayla.
183. In one shocking instant Tim, 32, had become a widower, and his 23-month-old daughter Sophie motherless.
184. The Nasdaq composite index was up 6. 17 points to 1, 637. 32.
185. The survey of 11, 000 men seeking shelter in 58 missions in late October showed 32 % were veterans.
186. This scheme follows the publication last year of 32 other standards, mostly to do with methods of storing and capturing data.
187. This is expected to result in the closure of 32 unprofitable lines and a reduction in staff numbers from 48,500 to 30,000.
188. It was a motley but highly motivated crew, and in a poll with just 32 % turnout that did the trick.
189. Holdback finished in white with solid brass leaf highlights, £32.95 per pair; also in brass finish.
190. General mobilization was designed to raise the strength to 32 million, but this number was almost doubled in 1914.
191. Edis was there in the holiday season, but lived at 32 Ladbroke Square, West London too.
192. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 21. 32 to 5066. 9 after seesawing for most of the session.
193. However, the Nasdaq composite index was up 32. 08 points to 1, 567. 22 at midday.
194. Spoiled ballots accounted for 32 %, indicating the widespread dissatisfaction at the electoral process.
195. Whereas contemporary Thurmaston had 15 different occupations recorded,( Syston had 32.
196. Mr Day, 32, pointed dad Frank's air rifle at the boy believing it was unloaded.
197. Out now, prices for the System 10000 go from £23,000 for 32 users to £39,000 for a 64 user configuration.
198. Largely made obsolete by V. 32bis technology, V. 32 modems can still offer inexpensive access to on-line services.
199. Earnings were 32 percent up at 14.1p, covering a 21 percent increase in the interim dividend to 4.25p.
200. The government radio said 32 hostages had been released by 11 a. m., but that could not be confirmed.
201. Butterfield, 32, of Gladstone Street, Darlington, was confronted by an oncoming car which braked and swerved.
202. In Newcastle residents would have £32 knocked off their £349 bill if the Government assessment of spending had been more accurate.
203. He sold the shares for as much as $ 32 each, against a current price of just over $ 16.
204. H pylori infection was eradicated in 32 patients and persisted in 18 patients.
204. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
205. The defendants faced charges arising from three murders, three armed assaults and 32 armed robberies committed between 1980 and 1986.
206. It was at this crisis point in his career, now aged 32, that Gallacher signed for Derby County.
207. Courier bags up to 32 kilos in weight can be accepted up to 45 minutes before flight departure to over 60 destinations.
208. Republican Bob Dole is viewed favorably by 41 percent and unfavorably by 32 percent.
209. He was white, 32, a high school dropout who did indeed know the victim and live in her building.
210. LPVOID A 32 - bit pointer to an unspecified type.
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