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1880s in a sentence

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Sentence count:61Posted:2024-08-15Updated:2024-08-15
Similar words: 1980sMeaning: n. the decade from 1880 to 1889. 
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1. In the 1870s and 1880s, doctors began to follow the principles of antiseptic surgery.
2. When steel became available in the 1880s it was used instead of iron.
3. On one occasion in the early 1880s she was persuaded to address male students at Edinburgh University medical school.
4. By the 1870s and 1880s, however, the pendulum was swinging in the opposite direction.
5. In the late 1880s there was a spate of burglaries in Colombo.
5. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
6. The great agrarian depression of the 1870s and 1880s was thus essentially a depression of the staple national and international food-crops.
7. It was not until the 1880s that there were consistent experimental findings to support localization.
8. In the 1880s halma was rejuvenated as a board game Waddington's-style for two to four players.
9. Its much longer history before the 1880s is hardly visible.
10. The 1870s and 1880s were troubled times for Whessoe, as the company was now known.
11. By the 1880s half the wheat harvest was being exported.
12. From the mid 1880s there was a marked increase in the incidence of strikes.
13. From the 1880s the State itself sponsored an upsurge in heavy industry.
14. During the 1880s the Scandinavian countries sent an average 106,244 head of cattle to Britain every year.
15. By the 1880s it had come to mean a contemptible person.
16. The establishment of a national asylum had been strongly urged by sundry persons and medical societies since the late 1880s.
17. To make a profession out of psychical research was hardly possible, even though by the 1880s there were career structures in more-established sciences.
18. One result was a considerable amount of low-cost tenement building by philanthropic associations in the cities from the early 1880s.
19. A story of local democracy and participatory initiative dating from the reforms of the later 1880s came to its sad close.
20. The drought that struck the West in the late 1880s did not occlude the entire continent.
21. The doubts expressed by ministers and Home Office officials in the 1880s were symptomatic of much deeper structural problems.
22. The creation of the modern fountain pen is usually attributed to Lewis E Waterman in the 1880s.
23. And it was based on a photograph of his brother's pet, taken in Liverpool in the 1880s.
24. It certainly isn't a new invention: Turner used it to produce some of his finest watercolour paintings in the 1880s.
25. Ellice Hopkins was a central figure in the feminist agitation for criminal law regulation in the 1880s.
26. Murder, deceit, and malice await Sara when she comes to visit her great-aunt Contessa Belzoni in Venice of the 1880s.
27. The remarkable Ceylonese railway network was built largely as a response to the insatiable demands of tea-planting from the 1880s.
28. Annual railway construction more than trebled between the end of the 1880s and the boom years of the late 1890s.
29. As the many Ontario lines stretched out in the 1870s and 1880s, dozens of new stations were built.
30. And yet until the outbreak of widescale industrial unrest in the late 1880s, this class remained passive.
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