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1880s in a sentence

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Sentence count:61Posted:2024-08-15Updated:2024-08-15
Similar words: 1980sMeaning: n. the decade from 1880 to 1889. 
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31. This fund was set up during the 1880s as a means of providing sickness benefit for employees.
32. During the 1880s Marxism began to gain currency among the revolutionary intelligentsia.
33. Writing about slum life for middle- and upper-class consumption was not a new genre in the 1880s.
34. In the 1880s the city was a mesh of Italian, Portuguese, Mexican and German immigrants.
35. In many ways the Settlement movement of the 1880s and 1890s provided test sites for these initiatives.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
36. Discovering the Early Civilizations By the 1880s, then, many of the ideas underlying modern archaeology had been developed.
37. By the late 1880s , the spreading fascination with the occult sparked a new direction among several young artists.
38. In the 1880s, the expanding population of Liverpool led to an increased demand for water.
39. By the late 1880s there was nothing terribly mysterious about getting a steam hammer to deliver a blow of so many tons.
40. W.C. Alcock created an alternative to the current popular newspaper use in the 1880s.
41. The way four-legged animals walk has been well known since the 1880s, when Eadweard Muybridge's motion-capture photographs revealed the sequence of leg movements.
42. In the 1880s, Marey turned his attention to the tricky analysis of bird flight, photographing sequences of herons and cockatoos.
43. But he used other models, too, including a 19-year-old Camille Claudel, whom he met in the 1880s while teaching a class of women sculptors.
44. Gastown, the original heart of the city, was restored in the 1880s style with antique stores and boutiques.
45. It was the highest valuation since at least the 1880s, according to the economist Robert Shiller.
46. When the Roman Catholic missionaries came to Rwanda in the late 1880s, they contributed to the "Hamitic" theory of race origins, which taught that the Tutsi were a superior race.
47. Players started wearing white in the 1880s, as they found it masked perspiration, but the 'all white' rule only went into effect in 1963.
48. In the 1880s the debt of $24 million, incurred under carpetbag regimes, increased steadily with each subsequent administration.
49. THE treatment, in the early 1880s, of an Austrian hysteric called Anna O is generally regarded as the beginning of talking-it-through as a form of therapy.
50. The five-book arc will tell the story of the first American vampire, the murderous, bank-robbing 1880s cowboy Skinner Sweet.
51. Just like lesbianism during this period, it's hard to talk about homosexuality because the term was not used in its contemporary sense until the 1880s.
52. Now, I think that ultimately--interestingly enough, Los Angeles had a real estate boom and bust in the 1880s; that's hard to believe.
53. That allowed him to live well as a young man even after the 1880s collapse of a cattle ranch in North Dakota cost him $1.5 million in today's dollars.
54. You'll feel like no one else has stumbled upon it since the French poet Arthur Rimbaud lived here as a coffee trader in the 1880s.
55. The Pacific island kingdom of Samoa was dominated by Germany and the United States in the 1880s.
56. She is much more interested in untangling the threads of control, danger and temptation that candy has carried since it became widely available in the 1880s.
57. 1880s: The Wunderie Candy Company created candy corn, the king of disappointing Halloween candy.
58. Developed by Dr Jigoro Kano in the 1880s, the sport broke into the Olympic Games in 1964 at Tokyo.
59. In the 1880s, England's Prince Edward (later to become King Edward VII) hired a prominent London plumber named Thomas Crapper to construct lavatories in several Royal palaces.
60. Carp were first put into the lake in the 1880s as a food source.
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