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Voiceless in a sentence

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Sentence count:41Posted:2017-08-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pricelesssales invoicevoice messagefacelessinvoice pricegracelessdefencelessgracelesslyMeaning: [vɔɪslɪs]  adj. 1. produced without vibration of the vocal cords 2. deprived of the rights of citizenship especially the right to vote 3. uttered without voice 4. being without sound through injury or illness and thus incapable of all but whispered speech. 
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1. The consonants t, f and s are voiceless.
2. And listen to the cry of the voiceless.
3. For example, extraneous voiceless stops are often hypothesized at utterance onset.
4. Notice the lack of contrast between voiced and voiceless sounds and the predominant contrast between long and short consonants.
5. D voiceless fricative or any voiced consonant not immediately followed by a voiceless segment.
6. The soul pupa opens its mouth in a voiceless scream.
7. An aspirated voiceless blade - palatal affricate.
8. An unaspirated voiceless plosive sound.
9. An aspirated voiceless velar plosive.
10. A voiceless blade - alveolar fricative.
11. An unaspirated voiceless alveolar plosive.
12. The old castle was dark and voiceless.
13. On the international stage,( China seems voiceless.
14. An unaspirated voiceless velar plosive.
15. His voiceless lips formed the words "Thank you".
16. An aspirted voiceless palatal affricate.
17. This is an unaspirated voiceless palatal affricate.
18. We see most eloquent orators voiceless as fish they speak of Thee,[] O Jesus our Saviour.
19. While singing Italian songs, Chinese often cannot differentiate voiceless consonant from voiced one, but read consonant cluster according to Chinese habit.
20. A voiceless palatal fricative.
21. It is used to represent a voiceless retroflex plosive in the International Phonetic Alphabet, and is used some alphabets of African languages.
22. The vast majority of our people feel ignored and voiceless.
23. A committed socialist, he upheld the rights of the voiceless and the underprivileged.
24. Notice that of the plosives and fricatives there is one voiceless set and one voiced set.
25. In part this is because environmental refugees are among the most vulnerable and voiceless members of society.
26. Had she not fallen in George Lucas'good graces, she would have been another voiceless extra.
27. I yell at a decibel machine hysterically, a series of chirps , with unknown tones, till i am voiceless.
28. How can we give these people a voice, the voiceless people?
29. Please listen to the depths of the season, a sweet - bi voiceless, to gurgle out.
30. It requires institutions that are fast, flexible, and accountable, that can give voice to the voiceless with resources at the ready.
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