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Veil in a sentence

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Sentence count:225+10Posted:2016-09-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: camouflagecloakconcealcoverdisguiseeclipsehidemaskobscurescreenAntonym: unveilSimilar words: surveillanceceilingcave ingive inbelieve inMeaning: [veɪl]  n. 1. a garment that covers the head and face 2. the inner membrane of embryos in higher vertebrates (especially when covering the head at birth) 3. a vestment worn by a priest at High Mass in the Roman Catholic Church; a silk shawl. v. 1. to obscure, or conceal with or as if with a veil 2. make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing. 
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91 She was a blonde in a black dress, wearing a tiny hat with a visor of veil.
92 But through the veil of darkness I got the sense that this would be a special trip.
93 A little fold of the veil can be drawn aside to disclose his mood at that time.
94 It features Sweetheart Rose in a bridal veil with a special bridal bouquet.
95 With her veil pushed back and her black hood shading her face,( she looked rather like a nun.
96 Without its support we still have no reason to believe that any agreement will be reached behind the veil of ignorance.
97 The white pony comes complete with veil, wedding cake, wedding ring, comb and ribbon, for perfect grooming!
98 Shaped like straw mushrooms, they are completely clear except for a gossamer veil which makes up their body.
99 Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty of the world, and makes familiar objects be as if they were not familiar. Percy Bysshe Shelley 
100 Up in the sky, the sun hangs like a red disc behind the veil of sand.
101 I will pay heed and eventually the veil will lift.
102 They came up the steps with a Coptic woman in a long black gown and veil.
103 A reinforced riding top hat from Christie's costs £120 and the veil an extra £2.95.
104 Her black hat with the little veil had gone from the shelf, and her best peep-toe shoes.
105 From under her huge hat and the light grey veil she had thoughtfully donned for the occasion Jane Postlethwaite regarded them steadily.
106 Mrs Quigley was wearing a loose white robe with a hat and a veil rather like a bee-keeper's.
107 Clouds drifted over to veil the almost full moon, and I heard somewhere from Gammon Ridge a deep, howling wail.
108 The moon was hidden under a veil of clouds, and there was not a breath of wind.
109 He took off her white veil, and then he took off her black dress, and put it on the floor.
110 Delgard's eyes felt misted; it was like watching the girl through a fine veil.
111 A hand holding a scrap of hanky pressed on her veil where her mouth was.
112 Pedulla is trying to smile through a veil of tears.
113 One day an older woman who wore the veil cursed her and accused her of being loose.
114 Something resembling hard wood floors is just visible beneath a veil of potting soil and foam rubber confetti.
115 A weakened mind always sees everything through a black veil. The soul makes its own horizons; your soul is dark, which is why you see such a cloudy sky. Alexandre Dumas 
116 It was a position of strange intimacy; as if the steam that shrouded them was a veil that cut out the world.
117 Mary was carrying a long white veil and dress over her arm.
118 Migrants flocking in panic from the battle zone provided a useful veil of confusion.
119 At most weddings the bride wears a veil but at this wedding the bride was wearing a beautiful top hat.
120 With Ford, the power was behind the veil of a machine.
More similar words: surveillanceceilingcave ingive inbelieve in
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