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Ulcerative in a sentence

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Sentence count:154Posted:2017-08-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ulcerateoperativeimperativeiterativecooperativeinoperativevituperativeuncooperativeMeaning: adj. of or relating to or characterized by ulceration. 
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31. The other IgG subclasses were not correlated at the cellular level in either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease twins.
32. We have previously characterised the rectal mucosa associated microflora of patients with ulcerative colitis.
33. In conclusion, our study confirms that perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies are indeed demonstrable in the large majority of ulcerative colitis patients.
34. The unsaturation index did not show differences between patients with ulcerative colitis and controls.
35. Originally only four patients were classified as having definite Crohn's disease and 15 as indeterminate colitis leaving 62 with ulcerative colitis.
36. Ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are chronic, remitting and relapsing mucosal disorders, collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease.
37. Of the two patients with recurrent pouchitis who have ulcerative colitis both have had pouch excision because of poor functional results.
38. Ultrastructural changes in colonic mucosa consistent with increased absorption have been described in ulcerative colitis(, in both affected and unaffected areas.
39. These peptides are produced by bacteria normally found in the human bowel and in patients with ulcerative colitis.
40. We elected to include this patient in the study since the entire remaining right colon had active ulcerative colitis.
41. The functional result in patients with ulcerative colitis is extremely variable.
42. Restorative proctocolectomy is the procedure of choice for most patients who require surgical treatment for ulcerative colitis.
43. Seven patients with definite Crohn's disease, seven with indeterminate colitis and 52 with typical ulcerative colitis have a functioning pouch.
44. There was little evidence to support the presence of a primary defect in the colonic barrier in patients with ulcerative colitis.
45. Before either ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease was diagnosed infectious and neoplastic diseases had to be ruled out.
46. Figure 2 illustrates lysozyme mRNA in a colonic biopsy specimen from a patient with longstanding ulcerative colitis.
47. Concern about nephrotoxicity has been the major factor limiting more widespread investigational use of cyclosporin in ulcerative colitis.
48. In a group of 37 ulcerative colitis patients, however, no effect of medication was found.
48. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
49. Other studies suggest that cyclosporin is of therapeutic value in ulcerative colitis, but there have been no controlled trials.
50. Therefore, of 180 patients eligible for colonic cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis 160 were entered into the programme.
51. There has recently been a revival of interest in changes in colonic motility in ulcerative colitis.
52. Despite some similarities, it seems increasingly likely that the pathogenic mechanisms of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease are distinct.
53. The pathophysiological importance of the ulcerative colitis associated perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies is still poorly understood.
54. Faecal occult blood studies have also uncovered previously unrecognised cases of ulcerative colitis.
55. Colitis, which is histologically similar to ulcerative colitis, has also been described in association with pellagra.
56. All patients with ulcerative colitis were in clinical remission and had normal levels of haemoglobin, C-reactive protein, and serum orosomucoid.
57. Evidence has accumulated that several autoimmune phenomena are present in ulcerative colitis patients.
58. Everyone has heard of stressed executives who suffer peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis.
59. Platelet activating factor may be involved in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis as well as in experimental colitis.
60. The present study was done to extend these observations and to include sera from patients with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
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