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Troop transport in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-05-07Updated:2024-05-07
Similar words: transport controltransporttransporterair transportroad transporttransport shiptape transporttransportableMeaning: n. any land or sea or air vehicle designed to carry troops. 
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1. It was designed to be a troop transport plane.
2. Troop transport is the primary function of the helicopter, and movement of equipment and supplies is secondary.
3. An armed helicopter used esp. for protecting troop transport helicopter against ground fire.
4. The Chimera is a supremely durable tracked troop transport, with the ability to carry up to twelve passengers along with a crew of three.
5. M. The first column of troop transport trucks entered the square hesitantly, moving forward at walking pace.
6. As a tactical troop transport, the Z-9B has the capacity to transport 10 armed soldiers seated in two rows behind the pilot seats.
7. Developed in the 30s, the Universal Carrier was designed to provide armoured troop transport and was produced in the U. K. Als well as in Canada.
8. February 23, 1944: Captain Carter, upper center with map, briefs his men for amphibious assault operations at Arawe, New Britain aboard a troop transport ship.
9. Like the IFV and Riptide, it can also be used as a troop transport , but is much faster since it can fly over cliffs.
10. What's more, its large cabin also makes it an effective troop transport, suitable for para-dropping infantry squads deep behind enemy lines.
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11. Proudmoore mentioned the power of his navy, and the importance of ships for troop transport and supplies.
12. The conceptual sketches of the Republic assault ships, dubbed in preproduction the "Jedi troop transport, " cleary indicate the future of galactic government.
More similar words: transport controltransporttransporterair transportroad transporttransport shiptape transporttransportabletransport layertransport delaytransportationtransport companytransport by seameans of transportationactive transporttransport networkpublic transporttransport systemtransport servicetransport stationtransportabilitycombined transportthrough transportpassive transportair transportationsea transportationcontainer transporttransport mechanismMinistry of Transporttransportation cost
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