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Telephone communication in a sentence

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Sentence count:14Posted:2024-05-30Updated:2024-05-30
Similar words: telecommunicationtelecommunicationstelecommunication systemtelecommunication networktelecommunication equipmenton-line communicationman-machine communicationsatellite communication
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1 Telephone communications between the two cities have been restored.
2 The telephone communications were knocked out by the storm.
3 With an hour's walk to the nearest telephone, communication is difficult.
4 After finish recovery, automatically run USB Phone network telephone communication terminal.
5 Able to diagnose the truck failure via telephone communication in customer's using trucks.
6 Consolidate the customer relationship by telephone communication and help to solve the customers queries.
7 English proficiency, to the use of English telephone communication and exchange.
8 The hotel is responsible for monthly telephone communication and understanding hotel, to help resolve related issues.
9 Poles and wire now carry electrical power and telephone communication over ridges are deep in snow.
10 Such difficulties not withstanding,( fibreoptic systems could bring back to Earth some of the telephone communications that are routed through satellite links.
11 Useful in developing a feel for the subtleties of language in letter, telex and telephone communication.
12 It was surmounted by a small clock and like the shelter at the Crystal Palace, was in direct telephone communication.
13 Uses in tunnel column, the coal mine ore hydraulic prop, the details invites the telephone communication.
14 Thank you for your concern and support for the sunward, if business needs, you can call the company direct telephone communication with us.
More similar words: telecommunicationtelecommunicationstelecommunication systemtelecommunication networktelecommunication equipmenton-line communicationman-machine communicationsatellite communicationtelephone conversationsatellite communication systemvoice communicationelectronic communicationmobile communicationelectrical communicationCommunication satellitecooperative communicationadaptive communicationreliable communicationwireless communicationcommunications satellitemicrowave communicationcommunicationcommunicationslong-distance communicationcommunicationalexcommunicationone-way communicationoral communicationdata communicationtwo-way communication
Total 14, 30 Per page  1/1 
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