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Home > Slantingly in a sentence

Slantingly in a sentence

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Sentence count:5Posted:2020-05-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: slantingenchantinglyunstintinglydauntinglyunrelentinglydisappointinglyplantingsupplantingMeaning: adv. with a slant. 
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1. Sitting slantingly beside the teacher, he is modest and humble.
2. It is revealed that both the roasting and cooling air flow run radially at inlets and then run slantingly upwards or downwards into roasting-preheating zone inside IVAC.
3. C. Notes: the wire end plugged in the terminal must not be over cut slantingly. No revolving pull is allowed since the wire is plugged in.
4. A momentum transfer of a moving three level atom interacting slantingly with a standing wave laser field is analysed.
5. By influencing of the tunnel pressure in Yuanzhuang Coal Mine, the end frame of the main belt conveyor became inclination and deformation. It made belt run slantingly and wear away seriously.
More similar words: slantingenchantinglyunstintinglydauntinglyunrelentinglydisappointinglyplantingsupplantingtransplantingbitinglyhaltinglylastinglywittinglyfittinglysportinglygloatinglytrustinglyexultinglyinvitinglyexcitinglytemptinglycomfortinglybanteringlyunwittinglyinsultinglyslightinglyrevoltinglyaffectinglydisgustinglyirritatingly
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