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Shop around in a sentence

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Sentence count:42+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-07-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: aroundgo aroundget aroundall aroundsit aroundrun aroundbat aroundrunaround
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1. There's a little gift shop around the corner.
2. Will you suddenly appear, in a coffee shop around the corner, I will bring the smiling face, and you say, not to say once upon a time, just say, say to you, just say, long time no see.
3. You should shop around a bit before making a decision.
4. Take time to shop around for the best deal.
5. Shop around for the best deal.
6. Prices vary widely so shop around before you buy.
7. Shop around for special offers.
8. Aunt must shop around for the better job for me.
9. People must shop around for the best school for their children.
10. When you're buying a flight[], you should always shop around for the best deal.
11. Don't buy the first car you see: shop around a bit.
12. Owners shop around for a new-stadium deal.
13. So shop around carefully before investing your cash.
14. You should shop around for a better price.
15. Shop around brokers for a wider choice.
16. If these appear dullish, it could pay to shop around.
17. Shop around for good fish; active and robust, with well-developed fins and good colour.
18. Compare brochures and shop around on price - many agents discount as much as £200-£300 on brochure prices.
18. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
19. Never buy the first car you see. Always shop around.
20. Steering organizations that shop around can even promote experimentation and learn from success.
21. They can shop around if some prices rise too far.
22. Take time to shop around; get to know your local wine merchant or investigate your local supermarket.
23. So my message is to shop around and not to be downhearted.
24. Shop around for one which has the added bonus of sun filters for protection.
25. Finally, steering organizations that shop around can provide more comprehensive solutions, attacking the roots of the problem.
26. It really is important to shop around and read the fine print to find the best deal.
27. If you're buying a new hi - fi , shop around for the best price.
28. Our main 1979 survey suggested that weekly-collection credit users do not shop around for bargains as much as others.
29. Chances are, you can match any Houston rate if you take the time and effort to shop around your own city.
30. The thinking seems to be that many savers are too ignorant or lazy to shop around.
More similar words: aroundgo aroundget aroundall aroundsit aroundrun aroundbat aroundrunaroundcome aroundbum aroundturnaroundturn aroundlook aroundfool aroundhang aroundwalk aroundmill aroundget around tobring aroundhorse aroundstick aroundrevolve aroundaround the clockthe other way aroundaround the cornerturnaround timebeat around the bushround and roundround-shoulderedshopaholic
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